natural signs of an impending tsunami animal behavior

This post is a follow up to my comments on the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit Northern Japan in June 2008. From many natural disasters ,many stories emerge of predictive pets who have known beforehand and alerted humans of impending disaster. Our misunderstanding of the phenomenon leads to a certain denial of its effectiveness, and it is not clear to what extent the survivors embellish afterwards the so-called sixth sense of animals around them. Expect many waves The next wave may be bigger, and the tsunami may last for hours. In 2004, a tsunami hit southeast Asia and killed more than 200,000 people… but almost no wild animals. A tornado is mostly preceded by the formation of a dark cloud, strong winds, rain, hail and such. If the first part of a tsunami to reach the coast is a trough, rather than a wave crest, the water along the shoreline is dragged back dramatically, exposing parts of the shore that are normally underwater and stranding many marine creatures. WIDE ANGLE: Quake, Tsunami … The first thing to do is to lists the natural signs and animal behavior proceeding tsunami and earthquake. Receding Water in the sea (Tsunami) ... visual evidence stays as a hint of the approaching disaster. In the end, these animal behaviors may not prove all that useful to humans. Mimicking animal behavior for detecting natural disasters. Dogs, elephants, antelopes, bats and even flamingos fled the scene before the wave hit. This list can be compiled from the tsunami survivors or scientific papers. During the hours that separated December 2004's cataclysmic earthquake off Sumatra and the devastating tsunami that followed, witnesses reported unusual animal behavior. Of late, I have been thinking deeply on how to detect natural disasters by using Computational Intelligence techniques. Tsunamis, earthquakes and other violent natural disasters can all wreak havoc and cause untold destruction – sometimes at a great cost to humanity. Animals anticipation of disasters has often been reported in history. Obey the Natural signs of an ap-proaching tsunamis An earthquake , a roaring sound, water receding and animal behaviors are signs of an approaching tsunami. Many animals show signs of restlessness before a natural disaster such as tsunami, hurricane, volcanic eruption or earthquake. I want to tell you about some signs and signals that you can observe from the animals around you that may clue you in to when a serious situation is heading your way. There must have been a time when we were just as perceptive as the animals on this planet, since we have lost much of that ability. So while Michelle Hobson and others can watch for signs of impending danger in a dog's behavior, the Internet is much more reliable. Groundhogs. Animal Signals . Identifying these signs is the key. Natural Warning System Based on information collected on animals sensitivity and natural signs preceding earthquake or tsunami, a natural warning system can be develop. Obey Official Warnings Do not take warnings for granted or assume that danger is over. In any case, many people witnessed unusual animal behaviour before tsunamis, and even earthquakes. In America, the most popular animal that is believed to be able to predict the weather is the groundhog, and the most famous groundhog is Phil from Punxsutawney, Pa. A wall cloud can be seen around thirty minutes before the tornado is formed. Thankfully, there are usually warning signs before one of these catastrophic events hits – through animal behavior, perhaps, or changes to the environment. Animals frequently exhibit behavior changes, and there's no practical way of deciphering whether a change in behavior is related to an impending natural disaster or just a reaction to something completely unrelated.

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