why was uxmal built

Decorative stone serpent-masks are arranged in diagonals to create striking outlined triangles on all façades. Later, in the 13th and 14th centuries CE, Uxmal was a part of an alliance of Yucatan city-states led by Mayapan. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Like Chichén Itza, Uxmal has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it’s architecture most resembles the dominant style of Mayan cities of the Late Classic period. Omissions? Built to awe, the pyramid known as El Castillo has become the towering icon of Chichén Itzá. Opposite, the South Building has nine doorways, imitating the nine levels of the Maya Underworld (Xibalba). Uxmal (pronounced “oosh-MAHL”) is said to be among the most attractive of Mexico’s archaeology centers and should be included in any itinerary that intends to visit the most important Maya ruins. The city, following an extensive restoration programme, is the best preserved of all Maya sites, and it possesses some of the most outstanding examples of Terminal Classic architecture anywhere. Its poorer condition and highly decorative architectural style suggest the building is several centuries older than the Nunnery and House of the Governor. Uxmal was one of the largest cities in the Yucatan region and was located in the Puuc region (Puuc means hilly country). The ruling family of Uxmal aligned with the Spanish when they arrived in 1550. Other notable complexes are the Cemetery Group, the House of the Old Woman (“Casa de la Vieja”), and the series of ruins called the North Group. The top portion of the façade employs stone mosaic decoration using motifs such as serpents, step frets and lattice work along with human portraits and small thatched houses. Pyramid of the Magician (background right) among the Mayan ruins at Uxmal, Yucatán, Mexico. World History Encyclopedia, 10 Oct 2014. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications: Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Besides the major monuments mentioned below, Uxmal also includes a ballcourt with unusual vertical sides, the Cemetery Group, the North Group - a collection of structures built around a chambered pyramid, the squat House of the Turtles, and the square four-level pyramid known as the Pyramid of the Old Woman, which is the oldest structure at Uxmal. According to the legend, a dwarf, hatched from a turtle egg, built the pyramid in one night using magic, hence the name Pyramid of the Magician. The temple at the top section has a doorway in the form of a Chac mask. The Quadrangle of the Birds is a courtyard bounded by four other structures that frame the Pyramid of the Magician, this set of structures was built in various stages throughout the life of Uxmal. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The town of Uxmal was constructed to align with certain concepts of astronomy that related to the beliefs and culture of the Mayas who lived there. Various architectural styles are embedded within the structure. A less steep staircase climbs the eastern side and ends in a single-chamber structure. Fortification walls surround the central sacred complex. The Governor’s Palace at Uxmal is a 24 room building believed to have been constructed in the 10th century in honor of the last great ruler of Uxmal, Lord Chahk. Significantly, it is also the lowest set building of the four. Most of the architecture visible today was built between about 700 and 1100. The West Building has seven doorways, this time reflecting the Maya mystic number of the earth. Characteristics of the Puuc style include limestone construction, often with smooth wall surfaces; plaster (stucco) finishes; masks and other representations of the rain god Chac (Chaac); and the prevalence of styling along horizontal … It is accessed by a stairway with three landings. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Just west of the Governor’s Palace are the Great Pyramid, measuring 260 feet (79 metres) on each side; the House of the Pigeons, with a pigeonhole-style upper section; and the South Temple. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Also built in the Puuc style it was perhaps originally conceived as three separate parts connected by corbel doorways. World History Encyclopedia. The site is the most important representative of the Puuc architectural style, which flourished in the Late Classic Period ( ad 600–900). Quite probably this style and the northern Maya lowland culture continued in full vigour for a century or so after the decline and abandonment of the southern Maya lowland centres such as Tikal, Palenque, and Uaxactún. 01 Mar 2021. In Kabah, a neighbor city of Uxmal, an old woman lived alone in a tiny hut. At its base it measures about 227 by 162 feet (69 by 49 metres). Located immediately west of the House of the Governor and the Great Pyramid, this buildings gets its name from the intricate façade with its many small apertures which resembles a dovecote. During 1441-1541, Uxmal was abandoned by its few remaining inhabitants and became no more than a place of pilgrimage until the conquest by the Spanish, who gave the surviving buildings their existing names that have nothing to do with their true functions. The name Quadrangle of the Birds was given because of the figures of macaws decorating the west building. The Ancient Maya are thought to be the only civilisation that, before the invention of the telescope, was able to track astronomical cycles like the movement of Venus. According to legend, it was built in a single night by a dwarf with the help of an old woman who possessed supernatural powers in response to a challenge issued by the king of Uxmal. The ruined Nunnery Quadrangle (left) and the Pyramid of the Magician (right), Uxmal, Yucatán, Mexico. The middle section rises to 65 feet (19.8 metres) and is joined to the two lower, flanking sections by vaulted corridors. Uxmal. Pyramid of the Magician (background) and the. Uxmal Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Uxmal translates as 'thrice built' and, whatever the actual number, the numerous building phases are reflected in … Uxmal, in north-west Yucatán, Mexico, was an important Maya city which flourished between the 6th and 10th centuries CE. The central ruins cover about 150 acres (60 hectares), but the remains of the residential districts extend over considerably more ground. Perhaps due to their cooperation with the Spanish, not colonial city was built here. Hieroglyphs reveal that an Uxmal ruler took the name “Lord Chac” about 900. Rainfall and the supply of water were a constant preoccupation for the city’s inhabitants, who frequently invoked the assistance of Chac in their architectural symbolism, hieroglyphs, and human sacrifices. The name “Uxmal” is derived from “Oxmal” in ancient Mayan and means “three times built.” A Mayan legend painted Uxmal as the “invisible city.” This was a reference to the mythology that a “dwarf king” built the entire city in one night with magic. The Governor’s Palace is thought to have been the administrative center of Uxmal. Uxmal was an important city, probably built around 700 AD, although inhabitants are thought to have lived in the area as far back as 800 BC—nearly 1,000 years before the city was built. This pyramid is the tallest in Uxmal, but it is also known as the House of the Dwarf (“Casa del Enano”) because of an ancient legend stating that it was built overnight by an enchanted dwarf who then became the city’s ruler. Who built the Pyramid of the Magician located in Uxmal? The word is derived from the Palatine Hill in Rome, where the Roman emperors built their residences. Under a threat by an Uxmal king he was ordered to build this temple within a fortnight, or else lose his life (82). The Nunnery Quadrangle at Uxmal, Yucatán, Mexico. This structure has 13 doorways, almost certainly a representation of the 13 levels of the Maya heavens. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. Puuc style architecture prevails and arched doorways and elaborate Decoration are a common feature of Uxmal buildings. The site of Uxmal is a dry grass savanna area, but the surrounding region is heavily forested. South of the quadrangle is a ball court roughly 111 by 33 feet (34 by 10 metres), called pok-ta-pok in Mayan, tlachtli in Nahua, and juego de pelota in Spanish. By road, it is some 50 miles (80 km) south of the modern city of Mérida. Before abandonment, the ruling family of the city, like the Itzá of Chichén or the Cocom of Mayapán, was the Tutul Xiu. In contrast, the corners of the building each have a vertical line of five serpent-masks. At the tourist entrance to the central area is the Pyramid of the Magician (“Pirámide del Adivino”), which rises 90.5 feet (27.6 metres) in three concentric sections. Each of the four temple-sides of the quadrangle is decorated with Chac figures. Also on the terrace, just northwest of the Governor’s Palace, is the House of Turtles, a smaller building so called from its frieze of sculptured turtles. And this was one of the most important parts of being a priest. When the league ended, Uxmal, like the other great cities of the north, was abandoned (c. 1450). It is a mystery as to why a settlement was ever ma… "Uxmal." The limestone buildings of Uxmal are, in the main, oriented along a north-east axis. This 24-room building was constructed in the 10th century CE to commemorate the reign of Lord Chahk, the last great ruler of Uxmal, whose portrait is placed above the main entrance. First settled in the 6th century CE, or even earlier, it was between 850 and 925 CE that Uxmal fully established itself as the capital of a collection of lesser cities in the eastern Puuc region. Along with other northern sites like Chichen Itza, Uxmal survived the collapse which affected most other Maya cities c. 900 CE. It is a mystery why Uxmal was constructed in this location. The dwarf was hailed as the new ruler of Uxmal and the structure was dedicated to him. Ancient Uxmal In Mexico: Why Does Its Name Mean “Built Three Times?” About Brien Foerster Brien has explored more than 90 countries but his true passion is researching and writing about the ancient megalithic works found in Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Easter Island, Egypt, England, and beyond. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and Michigan State University and University of Missouri. People are thought to have been living in the area nearly 1000 years before the city itself was built. After about 1000, when Toltec (or Toltec-inspired) invaders arrived in Yucatán and established their capital at Chichén Itzá, major construction in the city ceased. According to this legend, a dwarf constructed the pyramid in one night, helped by his mother, a witch. The central courtyard there measures 260 by 212 feet (79 by 65 metres). Last modified October 10, 2014. Uxmal is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The ancient city of Uxmal was one of the most important Maya cities in the Yucatan region. Ancient History Encyclopedia has a new name! The exception is the House of the Governor which faces the rise of Venus at its southern-most cycle. The rooms upstairs have thatched roofs, replicating the style of roof under which the Maya of Uxmal would have lived. A large courtyard enclosed by four separate rectangular buildings is accessed via a monumental staircase on the south side which leads up to a large corbel arch entrance. House of the Governor, Uxmalby Dennis Jarvis (CC BY). A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - Located in the ancient, Pre-Columbian city of Uxmal, Mexico there is an intriguing Mesoamerican step pyramid known as the Pyramid of the Magician.It is the tallest and most visible structure in the ancient city of Uxmal. Cartwright, M. (2014, October 10). Written by Mark Cartwright, published on 10 October 2014 under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Uxmal was founded about 500 by Hun Uitzil Chac Tutul Xiu, although the exact date of occupation is unknown. He holds an MA in Political Philosophy and is the Publishing Director at AHE. Uxmal is near Merida on the Yucatan peninsula. Uxmal Ruins is a very impressive site only 80 kilometers from Merida, and we must admit we enjoyed this place even more than Chichen Itza, but cannot exactly explain why. As a building a palace should be differentiated from a castle, which was originally any fortified dwelling. According to Maya hieroglyphic records, however, Uxmal continued to be occupied and was a participant in the political League of Mayapán. This gives some indication that Uxmal was still inhabited up to this time period. The pyramid is also known under different names such as Pyramid of the Dwarf, Casa el Adivino, and the Pyramid of the Soothsayer. The city, following an extensive restoration programme, is the best preserved of all Maya sites, and it possesses some of the most outstanding examples of Terminal Classic architecture anywhere. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Palace, royal residence, and sometimes a seat of government or religious centre. There are huge cisterns which supplied the city with water. A steep staircase embellished with carved masks climbs the west side and reaches a doorway carved to represent the mouth of a terrible serpent monster. The rulers of Uxmal are also thought to have presided over the nearby settlements of Kabah, Labná and Sayil. Unlike many other Mayan cities that were designed using geometry, Uxmal was designed using astronomy. It was constructed over the Late and Terminal Classic periods, between AD 600 and 1000, and five constructive phases have been detected. The whole building, just as with the Nunnery, leans slightly outwards (negative batter) giving an impression of lightness and also correcting the distorted perspective created by the long horizontals of the building. The structure is unique in Maya architecture. Uxmal (OOSH-mahl) means "built three times" in the Mayan language. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Fine veneers over a rubble core are also characteristic of the Puuc style. Uxmal was derived from the name “Oxmal” which means three times built or thrice built. Corrections? It might have been a palace or a residence for students, priests, or soldiers. The 18 km one which connected Uxmal to Kabah began with a huge monumental corbel arch and steps which is reminiscent of the Roman triumphal arch. The site is the most important representative of the Puuc architectural style, which flourished in the Late Classic Period (ad 600–900). Its three sections stand atop a wide terrace (29 feet [8.8 metres] high). As you explore the area, you'll pass a … The pyramid is distinctive for its rounded corners which make it almost oval in shape when seen from above, making the pyramid unique in Maya architecture. Chichén Itza may get the lions share of visitors to the Yucatan but 200km south west of Chchén Itza you will find Uxmal. Explore one of the most important Mayan archaeological sites at Uxmal, and admire the complex’s beautifully built and exquisitely preserved ‘Pyramid of the Magician,’ which stands at … Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. This name refers to the construction of its highest structure, the Pyramid of the Magician which was built on top of existing pyramids. West of the Pyramid of the Magician is the Nunnery Quadrangle, consisting of four rectangular buildings with 74 individual rooms. The Art and Architecture of Ancient America, Third Edition: The Mexican... Uxmal: The History of the Ancient Mayan City. (See also pre-Columbian civilizations: Major sites.). As well as the royal residence of Uxmal, the building was used as the city's main administrative centre. The structure includes vaults, finely-cut veneer masonry, roof-combs, and an unusually high number of doorways precisely numbered along each façade and set closer together as they move towards the ends. Its architecture, some of the most dramatic of the Yucatan ruins, is characterized by low horizontal palaces set around courtyards, decorated with rich sculptural elements and details. His special interests include pottery, architecture, world mythology and discovering the ideas that all civilizations share in common. The pyramid of the magician is crisply restored as are many other buildings but others are still in complete ruin. Retrieved from https://www.ancient.eu/Uxmal/. While doing it, he also proved himself worthy to be the king of the ancient city. Puuc style architecture prevails and arched doorways are a common feature of Uxmal buildings, as are distinctive boot-shaped blocks designed specifically to support vaulting. Characteristics of the Puuc style include limestone construction, often with smooth wall surfaces; plaster (stucco) finishes; masks and other representations of the rain god Chac (Chaac); and the prevalence of styling along horizontal lines. Cartwright, Mark. World History Encyclopedia. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. The Lodge at Uxmal offers a total Yucatan Mayan experience. Pyramid of the Magician at Uxmal, Yucatán, Mexico. Uxmal, (Mayan: “Thrice Built”) ruined ancient Maya city in Yucatán state, Mexico, about 90 miles (150 km) west-southwest of Chichén Itzá and 25 miles (40 km) southwest of Mayapán. Many visitors prefer Uxmal to more famous Chichen Itza due to Chichen’s massive crowds and the prohibition on climbing pyramids. Pyramid of the Magician (background) at Uxmal, Yucatán, Mexico. Uxmal was designated a World Heritage site in 1996. Cite This Work This article was most recently revised and updated by, Reed College - Architecture, Restoration, and Imaging of the Maya Cities of Uxmal, Kabal, Sayil, and Labná, Ancient History Encyclopedia - Uxmal, Mexico, UNESCO World Heritage Centre - Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal, Ancient Origins - The Spectacular Ancient Maya City of Uxmal, Uxmal - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Uxmal - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Uxmal, Mexico: Mayan ruins; Magician, Pyramid of the.

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