2005 nias earthquake

Sumatra Earthquake, Nias Island, Indonesia (2005). The number of temporary displaced has been put at 19,016 while the number of permanently displaced has been put at 35,235 (houses destroyed), The population of Nias is becoming increasingly fearful of further earthquakes and a tsunami following the 28 March earthquake, A SurfAid/AusAID medical team took motorbikes into the interior of South Nias to visit the badly damaged village of Hilizulo’otano, about 25km from Telukdalam, following reports of large numbers of injured. A debate arose among seismologists over whether this should be considered an aftershock of the December 2004 event, or a "triggered earthquake" as it was larger than typical aftershocks but on the same fault. Two great earthquakes have occurred recently along the Sunda Trench, the 2004 M9.2 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the 2005 M8.7 Nias earthquake. No patients will be med evacuated to Medan or Sibilga from then on. With devastating scenes of the Asian Tsunami aftermath on 26 December 2004 still deeply embedded in the minds of many, Indonesia was again struck by a strong earthquake measuring 8.7 Richter Scale which occurred in Sumatra, Indonesia on Monday, 28 March 2005. A great earthquake was noted at 23:09:36 hrs, local time at epicenter, on Monday, March 28, 2005. The status of cold chain on Nias is not known, however. WFP has presented a preliminary list of 152,320 people affected by the 28 March earthquake, with the sub districts of Sirombu and Lahewa considered most in need in northern Nias and Telukdalam most in need in southern Nias. Medical kit and medicines have been received and more are in the pipeline. What to do if a fire breaks out in a super high-rise building? UN bodies that continue to participate is aid among others: UN-OCHA, UNICEF, UNHCR, WFP, WHO, ION as for international NGOs are OXFAM, CARE, SurfAID, JICA, International Rescue Team, ICRC, also NGO’s from countries such as Singapore, Australia, Poland, Hungary, France etc. Doctors and nurses are still arriving in Sibolga from Yogya, Pekan Baru and Palembang on the way to Nias. The Philippines Government has dispatched a 16-member medical team to the earthquake-affected area. Many multi-storey buildings in the main city of Gunung Sitoli had collapsed with hundreds of people trapped in the rubbles. In Brief This Information Bulletin (no. Barely three months after two SCDF Operation Lion Heart contingents were activated simultaneously to aid Thailand and Indonesia in search efforts during the December Asian Tsunami disaster, the Lion Hearts again responded to Nias Island. The 2005 Nias–Simeulue earthquake (28 May 2005) devastated the local village, and caused an uplift up to several metres over much of the island, with some eastern parts of island also reported to have sunk several feet or more in places. In response, SurfAid has initially prioritized families with children under the age of 5 at-risk children, for distribution of long-life insecticide treated mosquito nets. 06/2005) is being issued for information only. … the 2005 Great Nias earthquake that accurred in Indonesia in July 2007. So far 6 have already been assigned out of the total 28, The Local Government has designated 11 hospitals in Medan, 1 Hospital in Central Tapanuli (Pandan Hospital), 1 Hospital in Sibolga as the referral hospital for treatment of earthquake victims. More than 700 aftershocks recorded on island of Nias, 48 aftershocks following the initial earthquake, a further 628 over the following two days and 51 in the first eight hours of Thursday. The 2005 Nias–Simeulue earthquake occurred on 28 March off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia.At least 915 people were killed, mostly on the island of Nias.The event caused panic in the region, which had already been devastated by the massive tsunami triggered by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, but this earthquake generated a relatively small tsunami that caused limited damage. Food, water and generators to supply electricity are the most needed items. WHO is initiating coordination of international relief efforts in the health sector to Simeulue. Also supplies in form of food, drugs and medicine, tents, beds and sleeping bags, electricity generators, water purification tools and other daily tools. We're getting reports of about four meters in certain areas. 1. On the evening of March 28, 2005 at 11:09 p.m. local time (16:09 UTC), a large earthquake occurred offshore of West Sumatra, Indonesia. Estimates now are that 50 to 70 percent of the population is living outside of their homes and in the hills. Nias, Indonesia has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours 1 earthquake in the past 30 days; 12 earthquakes in the past 365 days It is the world’s largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in over 181 countries. This research is significant in providing detailed information on the influencing factors of UNDP‟s Disaster Recovery policy, the role of UNDP in Disaster Recovery especially on 2005 Nias Earthquake, prove UNDP‟s role in recovering Nias to a … The power is back and it is assumed that the cold chain is available at the hospital, WHO is initiating coordination of the international relief efforts in the health sector in Semeulue. Aceh and Nias had earthquake or tsunami damage. 4 health centres and 12 satellite health centres reported totally destroyed, while data is also being gathered concerning other health centres and satellite health centres. The 2005 Nias–Simeulue earthquake occurred on 28 March off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia.At least 915 people were killed, mostly on the island of Nias.The event caused panic in the region, which had already been devastated by the massive tsunami triggered by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, but this earthquake generated a relatively small tsunami that caused limited damage. The epicentre was located 90 km south of Sinabang with 30 Km Depth 2.065 N 97.010 E; Evidence emerges that earthquake generated significant tsunami. There is still specific need for Tetanus Toxoid, Electricity generators and infrastructure recovery including electricity and telecommunications, Special transportation services to reach affected areas and evacuate critically injured, Rubble removing equipment and metal cutting gear has been identified as an ongoing priority, Fuel supply remains a problem leading to distribution bottlenecks. He said the number is … Multiple aftershocks measuring 6.0 or higher in the early hours after initial quake. The Indonesian government has announced that the emergency phase for this quake would last approximately one month. Russian Federal Government yesterday to send aid using IL-76 plane through Medan. Nias and Simeulue islands, which are west of Sumatra, suffered structural damage, largely from shaking, during a large earthquake on 28 March 2005. The hospital in Gunung Sitoli is operational, with operation room functioning again although without any x-ray tools available. WHO teams in Nias Island, Medan, Banda Aceh and Jakarta. The airport and the seaport are also damaged and need emergency repair to deliver food and other emergency supplies. In Brief This Information Bulletin (no. WHO continues to provide medical supplies to health organizations working on the ground. The epicenter of the earth-quake was on the Great Sumatran fault, between the two islands at 2.074°N, 97.013°E (see Figure 1). Significant rehabilitation has been carried out on cellular telecommunications, electricity and water supplies. The epicentre was located 90 km south of Sinabang with 30 Km Depth 2.065 N 97.010 E, Evidence emerges that earthquake generated significant tsunami. 2005 Offshore Northern California Earthquake on June 14, 2005. ", The earthquake was also felt in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Cocos Island, Australia. Nias Island, Nias Province, Capital Gunung Sitoli, Gido, Gomo and Teluk Dalam (District Capital of South Nias), Government officials update figures of deaths tolls at 532, with 422 in the Nias District, and 113 from South Nias. This report is prepared by WHO Indonesia. After Peace Winds returned from visit of three of the Banyak islands and reported no deaths or injured persons, no other definite new feedback has yet surfaced. Emergency medical care, trauma care, especially general surgeons and orthopedics for orthopaedic injuries, severe crushed injuries, head and spinal trauma. 3 Application to the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman and 2005 Nias Earthquakes. With a total figure of injury cases treated at Sinabang Hospital and Field Hospitals of 553 cases until this day. The entire village of 2955 persons has moved out of their houses and are living in a displaced camp or in small huts made of palm leaves erected in the front of their houses, Current areas of displacement in the south of Nias are endemic for malaria. There is a need to revitalize health services at the health centre level in Nias. Preliminary information indicates that north and south Nias are most heavily affected. SurfAid has confirmed that there have been no deaths in the Banyak Islands and the medical situation is stable, It is estimated that there are 3,000 IDPs on the islands. Christchurch, New Zealand, Earthquake (2011), South Asian Earthquake, Muzaffarabad, Pakistan (2005), Rokan Hilir Bush Fires, Sumatra, Indonesia (2005), Asian Tsunami Disaster, Khao Lak, Thailand (2004), Asian Tsunami Disaster, Aceh, Indonesia (2004), Highland Towers Collapse in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1993), Baguio City Earthquake, Philippines (1990), Flooding due to Dam Collapse, Attapeu Province, Laos PDR, Performance-Based Approach to Fire Safety Design, Fire Safety Certificate & Temporary Fire Permit, Petroleum and Flammable Material Licences, Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Requirements, Waiver Application on CD Shelter Requirements, Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) and Remedial Training (RT). The great 28 March 2005 earthquake caused Nias Island to tilt to the NE. Also 1125 seriously injured persons and 928 minor injury cases. The US Naval ship USS Mercy is expected to arrive but not fully operational until several days. The entire length of the west coast of the island is uplifted approximately 2m while the furthest SE of the island has down-warped a little due to tectonic subsidence, reportedly about 0.3m at the village of Tagaeuli. Frictional Afterslip Following the 2005 Nias-Simeulue Earthquake, Sumatra Ya-Ju Hsu,1* Mark Simons,1 Jean-Philippe Avouac,1 John Galetzka,1 Kerry Sieh,1 Mohamed Chlieh,1 Danny Natawidjaja,2 Linette Prawirodirdjo,3 Yehuda Bock3 1Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. Four boats of people numbering nearly 800 have already left the island, There is one hospital in each district. The magnitude was 8.7 on the Richter scale and located in NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA. NIAS: EARTHQUAKE 1 April 2005 The Federation’s mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. We quantitatively present poroelastic deformation analyses suggesting that postseismic fluid flow and recovery induced by the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake … The earthquake lasted for about two minutes in total. With devastating scenes of the Asian Tsunami aftermath on 26 December 2004 still deeply embedded in the minds of many, Indonesia was again struck by a strong earthquake measuring 8.7 Richter Scale which occurred in Sumatra, Indonesia on Monday, 28 March 2005. One of the health centres in the south is being converted into a hospital, Government health staff of health centres is returning to the centres but it is unclear how many centres are functional, There have been twenty suspected cases of measles in Telukdalam, southern Nias. The 3 Chinook helicopters will support Indonesia’s transportation needs and carry out medical evacuation in the disaster area. Rumors that the island is sinking are leading to more displacement of the people. Electricity being supplied by generators. The SAF will also deploy a C-130 transport plane to ferry additional personnel and relief supplies. WHO continues to provide medical supplies to health organizations working on the ground, WHO is facilitating a daily health coordination meeting for medical emergency response and emergency medical supplies for the Nias relief operations in Medan, WHO’s ground staff in Nias includes a medical co-coordinator, water and sanitation expert, logisticians, health facilities assessor, disease surveillance officer and a communicable disease officer, WHO is providing technical support to Provincial Health Office in rapid epidemiological assessment, WHO’s role also includes inter-agency coordination of medical relief efforts, dissemination of minimum standards of environmental health and disease surveillance, WHO is supporting the Provincial Health Office to identify unmet needs in the health sector, WHO is assisting in re-establishment of water treatment systems. Official government report on numbers of identified deaths at 22. At least 500 people are confirmed dead following Monday's quake, said deputy U.N. humanitarian coordinator Masood Hyder. There are no definite estimates of the affected population hit by the earthquake. The Government of Singapore has sent a humanitarian assistance team to Nias Island comprising 3 Chinook helicopters, a Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) medical team and a Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF), Disaster, Assistance and Rescue Team (DART). Post-seismic effects from past great megathrust earthquakes are evident even several decades after the event as demonstrated using GPS velocity observations in the regions of the M w = 9.5 1960 Chile earthquake and M w = 9.2 1964 Alaska earthquake (Freymueller 2000). There are 18 health centres in the North and 10 in the South. The current estimated cost for the rehabilitation Blueprint is Rp 41.1 trillion (about US$4.1 billion) over the next five years. The magnitude was 8.7 on the Richter scale and located in NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA. The Singaporean Medical team has treated 553 outpatients, mostly with infected/neglected wounds. 07/2005) is being issued for information only. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. They will be joined by representatives from the Singapore Red Cross and Mercy Relief. An epidemiological assessment team is being deployed to the area to confirm the outbreak, Whilst the district hospital in Gunung Sitoli has reopened, the safety of the partly damaged hospital is still an issue as Nias is still experiencing aftershock tremors. It is the world’s largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in over 181 countries. Coordination of medical services and logistic support for medical teams is still an issue as more medical teams have set up field hospitals and medical services in the areas surrounding the capital city. On the Indonesian island of Nias, off the coast of Sumatra, hundreds of buildings were destroyed by the earthquake. The rupture length of the 2005 earthquake appears to be 400 - 600 km vs 1000 to 1200 km for the 2004 earthquake. The population in Simeulue is also becoming increasingly fearful of further earthquakes and tsunami following the 28 March earthquake, Medical support continues to be deemed as adequate with no additional medical personnel required, Previous reports of 70 to 100 percent damage in some villages/districts have been confirmed. Medical support is being provided by medical personnel deployed from Banda Aceh. NIAS: EARTHQUAKE 5 April 2005 The Federation’s mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. The magnitude was 8.7 on the Richter scale and located in NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA. This … New geophysical data show that fault slip during the March 2005 magnitude 8.7 (Mw) earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia (also … Community Emergency Preparedness Programme (CEPP). Government officials’ estimates that perhaps 70,000 residents in the earthquake-devastated city of Gunung Sitoli reported homeless. Australia and AusAid coordinate aid through effective SurfAid teams, SurfAid International is still continuing to search and aid villages not yet reached by outside help. PHO team from NAD has brought 40 packs of medicine to the Aceh Singkil District. Central government has welcomed the support, both medical and logistical, provided by foreign military forces. Nias Island in Indonesia, the hardest hit area in this recent earthquake, suffered loss of human lives and destruction to numerous homes. Seismic rupture produced spectacular tectonic deformation above a 400-kilometer strip of the Sunda megathrust, offshore northern Sumatra, in March 2005. The team will determine the health needs of the victims as well as ensure the supply of safe potable water, set up proper waste disposal and implement food safety measures. 2005 Nias–Simeulue earthquake. On Monday night March 28, 2005 at 11:09 pm local time, the Nias and Simeulue islands were shaken by a M8.7 earthquake with a depth of 30 km. Evacuations will also be done by Sea Hawk helicopters from the USS Niagara support ship if needed. Consisting of a team of 48 rescuers and medic, bringing transportable medical equipment. The one in the north is functional while the one in the south is non-functional. In the twenty-four hours immediately after the event, there were eight major aftershocks, measuring between 5.5 and 6.0. The initial quake combined with eight major aftershocks within the … WHO will support the Provincial Health Office to do this as there is a WHO epidemiologist present at Nias, A mobile hospital of the Russian Ministry of Emergency has arrived and is fully operational on Nias Island with a 33-member team comprising of doctors, nurses and rescuers with their dogs, Blood bags for transfusion are on their way from Jakarta. The d… These earthquakes ruptured over 1600 km of adjacent crust within 3 mo of each other. During the 10-day operation from 29 March - 7 April 05, the 40-man contingent, led by MAJ Anwar Abdullah, Commander 2nd CD Division, rescued two casualties and recovered 13 bodies from the disaster site. Five critical cases were evacuated out of the village with the help of a UN chopper. nias, (indonesia) earthquake 2005. If the percentage of damage holds true for the north coast, it could be that over 55,000 people have been displaced, With an estimated population of 69,000, it has been reported that a majority have now moved to higher ground with major implications for emergency and humanitarian assistance, An increase in diarrhoeal disease cases in Sinabang has been reported. The risen water is still 200 meters inside the island flooding coastal area, PosKo head in Singkil has reportedly placed the IDP’s at 6,000 on the island and 3,000 on the nearby surrounding islands. These earthquakes ruptured over 1600 km of … Magnitude: 8.7 The Nias Earthquake that shook Indonesia in March 2005 claimed 850 lives and destroyed 95 per cent of the structures on the island, including 13,000 homes.

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