yunnan indochina railway

The current success of the automobile is explained because at present the Vietnamese traveller undertakes only short trips; long journeys have not yet become part of his habits. Its 84km route incorporates steep gradients of 12% and it is equipped with rack and pinion equipment on some sections. Any left-over surplus is then shared, under certain conditions, between the Colony and the company. But the stationhouse and adjacent depot remain standing, half boarded-up except for a small shop vending caged birds and bonsai trees. – Hanoï to Nam-Dinh and Vinh Construction cost per kilometre: 181,500 francs, Southern Network (Réseau Sud) : Goury.. Avril1910.. 2 volumes in original maroon cloth. Construction cost per kilometre: 150,400 francs, An unidentified CIY Société des batignolles 4-4-0 “Légère” at Hà Nội Station in 1927, Sub Totals, Non-Conceded Networks Historic rolling stock from the Kunming–Hekou railway and its branches in the Yunnan Railway Museum, at Kunming North railway station In the 19th century, the French colonial administration worked to develop regular trading networks and an efficient transport infrastructure between Indochina and south-west China. But as unchecked growth has slowed to an andante tempo, nostalgia for the world China has bulldozed is gaining traction. Being a part of the Yunnan-Tibet Railway, Lijiang-Shangri-La railway connects cities like Dali and Kunming. The expenses of building and equipping the lines met by the network are as follows: Northern Network (Réseau Nord) Dong Nai Forestry Tramway However the fact remains that the Indochinese rail ticket prices are much lower, when compared to those of railways elsewhere in the Far East, operated in similar conditions. Rail Thing – Railways and Tramways of Việt Nam, A Relic of the Steam Railway Age in Da Nang, Date with the Wrecking Ball – Vietnam Railways Building, Full Steam Ahead on Cambodia’s Toll Royal Railway, Goodbye to Steam at Thai Nguyen Steel Works, The Changing Faces of Sai Gon Railway Station, 1885-1983, The Mysterious Khon Island Portage Railway, The Railway which Became an Aerial Tramway, Icons of Old Saigon – The Maison Centrale de Saigon, 1866, The impact of the “Spanish Flu” pandemic of 1918 and 1919 on Indochina, Report to the Council of Government, Government-General of Indo-China, Hà Nội, 1919, Debunking the Eiffel myth in Vietnamese tourism, Bác bỏ những chuyện hoang đường về Eiffel trong lĩnh vực Du lịch Việt Nam, The Tonkinese experience – the Phu Lang Thuong-Lang Son railway by J P Vergez Larrouy, The Horrible Rail Accident in Kabeu: An impartial investigation by Xuan Tieu. Will Doig writes in High-Speed Empire: “In 1904, the Trans-Siberian Railway connected Moscow to the Pacific, and soon afterward, British and French colonists began pondering their own grand railroad that would weave together their tropical trophies on the Indochina peninsula.” In reality, a key section of a pan-Asian network had already got the go-ahead. Confronting the Ming-era ramparts supporting three levels of arching tile-roofs adorned with big traditional characters declaring this to be a “Powerful Garrison Post of the Southwest” one is imbued with a sense of awe seemingly out of scale with Jianshui’s tumbledown low-rise housing, although given the unruly upland tribes inhabiting the neighbourhood – some 13 ethnic groups and many more subgroups – this was doubtlessly the architects intention. With a population numbed by opium and ruled by aloof Manchu royals holed up in their Beijing citadel, turn-of-the-century China made easy-pickings for hungry colonial powers who began to slice old Cathay up like a birthday cake. Perhaps the colonisation of this ethnic minority region may also require a line from Saigon heading up to Bandon via Loc-Ninh and Bu-Dop, with an additional branch from Loc-Ninh to Kratie. Construction cost per kilometre: 165,000 francs, Compagnie du Yunnan It depicts the Qing Empire encroached upon by a bulldog with a lion’s body, an eagle swooping across from The Philippines, a grizzly bear stopping through Manchuria and a frog sliming its way up from Southeast Asia. Hanoï to Vinh The Yunnan–Vietnam Railway is an 855 km (531 mi) railway built by France during 1904–1910, connecting Haiphong, Vietnam with Kunming, Yunnan province, China. – Laokay across the frontier to Yun-Nan-Sen in China French Indochina included Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, the latter of which the French only parted with after being defeated by … 4.1 Saigon to Tan-Linh (km 132) This line connected Hanoi with the frontier point of Laokay. Russian tracks laid a cross through Manchuria, expressing the Tsar’s clandestine plans to dominate in the Northeast. Réseaux concédés (Conceded Networks) The Red River Fault zone (RRF) is the major geological discontinuity that separates South China from Indochina. In September 1940, the Japanese occupied Vichy French Indochina (仏印進駐, Futsu-in shinchū?) 2. China - Laos Railway commenced construction on December 2nd, 2015 and is scheduled for completion by 2021. Year commenced: 1901 It crosses fertile areas which are already under cultivation, but, for lack of transportation, cannot be properly developed. The first of these lines, from Tan-Ap to Thakhek, will link the Vinh to Dong-Ha section of the Transindochinois at Tan-Ap station with the navigable reaches of the Mekong in Thakhek, on the Lao-Siamese border; its route will cover 53km in Annam and 133km in Laos, with gradients of 15mm on the Annamite side and 8mm on the Lao side. Though Britain envisioned a route through its colonial territory in Burma, France took the initiative in the aftermath of the Sino-Japanese war. Smaller structures are built with ordinary masonry. Strong garrisons were maintained in these areas and we were thus led, in 1889, to build this line, which was deemed essential. Though the four stations that line the track have been renovated in the French-style, their interior-deco alludes to the Republican-era, conjuring a more authentic ambience than Bise’s Disney does Mao vibe. Total expenses: 200,700,000 francs Weidnecht 130-T locomotive No 652 at Hà Nội Depot (CAOM). In fact, Britain was perhaps busiest of all, constructing the KCR line in cooperation with Chinese engineers through the Pearl River Delta as well as the Imperial Chinese Railway from Beijing to Mukden (Shenyang). By Tram to Hoi An The added bonus is that the train passes through some bucolic countryside and past a few extraordinary Qing Dynasty sites including the stunning Shuanglong and Xianghui bridges as well as the village of Tuanshan, a rustic village comprised of several fading villas, classical gardens and ancestral temples, testament to the fortunes of the local Zhang clan during a late-imperial mining boom. – Total: 1,627km, 196 million francs, A train passing over the pont en dentelles (“steel lace bridge”) at km 83 on the Chinese stretch of the Yunnan line. Constructing the final Tourane-Nha Trang stretch of the Transindochinois. In 1912, during the Revolution launched by Dr. Sun Yet-sen, a large number of military troops moved from Yunnan to Canton rapidly through the railway, and played an important role in the Revolution. 3. ̶251̶ ffie H ải Phòng‒Yunnan Railway Part Three: Economic and Cultural Issues The Hải Phòng‒Yunnan Railway: An Important Knot in French Indochina‒Japanese Relations during the Second World War Cam Anh Tuấn Lecturer, Faculty of Archival Science and Office Management, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-Hanoi J F Cail 4-6-0 “Ten wheel” locomotive No 235 pictured in the works before delivery to Indochina, Translated from an article in Revue générale des chemins de fer, July 1928. The Yunnan -Indochina Railway was an extraordinary engineering feat. The section within China from Kunming to Hekou is known as the Kunming–Hekou Railway (Chinese: 昆河铁路; pinyin: Kun–He tielu), and is 466 km long. Page 889. He holds a Master’s Degree in Chinese Studies from the University of London. Dali Muji Style Travel Hostel - Dali Muji Style Travel Hostel è una struttura a 5 stelle, collocata a soli 2.3 km da Chongsheng Three Pagodas. Once fed, Mengzi is an ideal place to begin to explore the regional railway sites scattered about the region. Being the juncture of the meter-gauge Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and the inch-gauge Gejiu-Bisezhai-Shiping Railway, the station was also the hub for cargo transshipment. For both networks (Colony and Yunnan), in 1924 this traffic represented more than 140% of that in the pre-war period. The most popular tours are the overland tours from Yunnan to Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand by land or train, such as China-Thailand Self-driving Tour , 12 Days China-Laos Train Tour and 11 Days China-Vietnam Overland Tour. The issue of signage, of little concern until recently, is currently being studied further, because of ever-increasing traffic. Three years after the completion of the Kunming to Haiphong trunk line, a branch line was begun arching westwards from Bisezhai to the tin mines of south-central Yunnan. The French Governor General of Indochina, Paul Doumer, was a key figure in the push for a railroad that would open up central China to French goods, and provide France with Chinese natural resources like rubber and tin. The main features of railway operation are: China might have arrived late to the railway age, but as historian Stephen Kotkin notes, “Deng Xiaoping’s shift toward market economics and global integration in the 1980s and 90s put Chinese railways at the forefront of the country’s multidecade double-digit economic growth.”. Construction cost per kilometre: 181,500 francs, 4. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for YUNNAN-INDOCHINA RAILWAY / Le Chemin de Fer du Yunnan 1910 at the best online prices at eBay! A small viewing platform has been erected amongst the trees and above the crystalline mountain stream, for photographers. Year opened to exploitation: 1903-1906 Length of lines in operation: 175km Our header image rotates on a weekly basis. It should be considered that the railway, even more than the road, is a tool for the exploitation and development of the colony, and not a stand-alone fiscal instrument. Le Chemin de Fer du Yunnan. Length of lines in operation: 859km There’s even a railway supermarket, essentially a convenience store right beside the rails. China Dragon Tours (CDT), an online China tour operator and specialized in private China tours, which is a famous brand of Trans Asia Discovery, offers high-quality and economical China tour services to the tourists worldwide. 2. This situation will certainly change with the completion of Transindochinois, creating very large currents of long-distance traffic which the railway alone can service. The railway has, moreover, the advantage of opening up to both colonial settlers and Vietnamese people the higher regions, where temperature and soil are favourable and Europeans may find a climate in which they can live and work healthily. Running parallel to the Red River, this line runs from Haïphong to Hanoï, crosses the border at Lao-Kay (384 km) and terminates at Yunnan-fu, its total length being 859km. which, in addition to the approximately 2,400km already in operation, will bring the total length of our Indochina rail network about 4,000km. The new lines which the 1921 programme envisaged as essential to the development of the colony are: 1. It stated: “In Indochina, the forests of Upper Cochinchina, of Cambodia, of Laos and of Upper Laos, the mines of Laos, and the upper valley of the Red River, are all unexploitable due to the absence of transportation. Tim Doling is the author of The Railways and Tramways of Việt Nam (White Lotus Press, Bangkok, 2012) and also gives talks on Việt Nam railway history to visiting groups. NANKING GETS GUNS ON INDO-CHINA LINE; French Railway Carries War Supplies to Yunnan, Terminus of Highway to Capital After imperial troops had tamed the Black Flags in 1897, railway advocates kept emphasising the project's military importance, claiming that it would make Yunnan a rear base necessary to face any further opposition in Indochina. To this effect, the Law of 25 December 1898 authorised the colony to be issued with a loan of 200 million francs, repayable at 3½% over a period of 75 years, not guaranteed by the French state. Urgently requested by the elected body of Cochinchina, it should indeed permit important exchanges between Tonkin and Cochinchina (eg the movement of agricultural labour to the south) as well as the transportation of crops from the irrigated plains of Central and South Annam to the north. Finally, locomotive boilers are heated by coal in Tonkin and Yunnan, where this fuel is abundant, while in the heavily forested Annam-Central and Southern Networks, a more economical heating solution is found by using wood. 855 kilometres in length, the railway was built by France during the period 1904-1910. Germany built a large section of the north-to-south Jinpu Railway through its sphere of interest in Shandong with Great Britain building the rest. The overall situation of our Indochina railways is quite satisfactory and in future it cannot, it seems, but improve. Indochina overland tours offer tourists a chance to have a journey from Yunnan to Southeast Asian countries. Société Franco-Belge 4-4-0 “Américaine” locomotive No 220 arriving at Vinh station (CAOM). The Changing Faces of Sai Gon Railway Station, 1885-1983 “It Seems that One Network is being Stripped to Re-equip Another” – The Controversial CFI Locomotive Exchange of 1935-1936 – My-Tho to Vinh-Long and Can-Tho: 93km, 10 million francs However, since 1921, it has manifested a downward trend, due to very active competition from motor transportation, which has been increasingly developed in recent years. But it will not achieve its full potential until the Indochina rail network has been fully realised in line with the programmes of 1898 and 1921. Major works incorporate metal decking. Technical considerations – The Indochina railway network is equipped with 1m gauge track; the trackbed width is 4.40m, in anticipation of a rolling stock body width of 2.80m. Derailing Saigon’s 1966 Monorail Dream – Saïgon to Khanh-Hoa and the Langbian plateau In the early 1900s, Paul Doumer (1857-1932), as governor-general of Indochina, initiated a large program of railway construction in Indochina and Yunnan. It connected Kumming in Yunnan with Haiphone in Vietnam (the nearest seaport to Kumming) a journey which took 28 days prior to the completion of this remarkable project. To this end, in order to cross the Red River near Hanoï, we built the famous Doumer bridge, with a total length of 1,682 metres between abutments, which represented an expense of about 6 million francs. Saigon’s Rubber Line Total construction cost: 78,000,000 francs The main objective of the Japanese was to prevent China from importing arms and fuel through French Indochina along the Kunming–Hai Phong Railway, from the Indochinese port of Haiphong, through the capital of Hanoi to the Chinese city of Kunming in Yunnan.. New loans were thus sought with the purpose of completing the first stage of the 1898 programme and studying and building new lines. At a cost of 95 million francs Le Chemins de Fer de L’Indo-Chine et du Yunnan or Dianyue Iron Road (滇越铁路) as it is known locally, was among the most ambitious colonial projects ever undertaken, stretching right the way from the port city of Haiphong in the bay of Tonkin to Yunnan’s capital Kunming, a distance equivalent in length as Paris to Perpignan on the border with Spain. Construction cost per kilometre: 283,500 francs, Totals, Non-Conceded and Conceded Networks The line from Saigon to Phnom Penh and the border of Siam, which should serve the north of Cochinchina and reach the Siamese border through the western part of Cambodia, also meets an urgent need. France is the most popular tourist destination in the world. Saigon to Khanh-Hoa and Langbian The total cost of construction reached 11.6 million francs, corresponding to a cost per kilometre of 165,000 francs. From Jijie the branch line snakes through Jianshui County (建水县), an imperial outpost boasting a stunning Confucian Temple as well as four city gates, the largest of which is a major regional tourist draw, namely, the Chaoyang Lou (朝阳楼).As my taxi driver proudly notes, “the gate is 31 years older than Tiananmen in Beijing.”. The fourth class is almost exclusively used by local people, who provide over ⅘ of total passenger revenue. It connected Kumming in Yunnan with Haiphone in Vietnam (the nearest seaport to Kumming) a journey which took 28 days prior to the completion of this remarkable project. Moreover, apart from in Tonkin, our interior rail communications are not yet well assured and the meeting of various territories has only just been begun with the building of three separate sections (North, Annam Central, South) of the Transindochinois. After some years of negotiations, the Qing government signed the Yunnan–Vietnam Railway Charter in October 1903, giving France the green light to start laying tracks in Yunnan with an 80-year railroad franchise. TAKING OVER BY CHINESE GOVERNMENT OF YUNNAN SECTION OF FRENCH INDOCHINA-YUNNAN RAILWAY; EXPRESSION OF INTEREST BY THE UNITED STATES ON BEHALF OF THE FRENCH 893.77/3360: Telegram The Secretary of State to the Charge in China (Atcheson) WASHINGTON, September 2, 1943-8 p. m. 1230. It’s worth the drive just to intrude on this lost world where Miao women sport multi-coloured dresses, head scarfs and hooped earrings while Miao men talk shop over rice noodles and shots of Baijiu in open-front restaurants beside a market where root medicines, strange mountain mushrooms and the full cookbook of green vegetables are on sale. Réseaux non-concédés (Non-Conceded Networks) The number of kilometric tonnes, which stood at 86 million in 1920, increased to 123.3 million in 1924, increasing by approximately 44%. Travellers have a choice of four classes. They can haul loads of 300 tonnes at 40kmh and 370 tonnes at 20/25kmh. Total construction cost: 31,800,000 francs It was connected to the branch line three years after Gejiu. Dalat station- A classic French railway station and … Bridges are built for both road and rail traffic. A couple of decades later, resource-rich Yunnan was being eyed by colonial France, who had already set up shop in nearby Indochina. Railway managers supervising construction of the line from Tourane to Huế. The former are grouped into a “circonscriptions” of operation, each under the authority of a Chief Engineer who reports directly to the Inspector General of Public Works of Indochina. The weight of the passenger carriages, all of which have two bogies, is about 16 tonnes. ", We are not currently welcoming new article submissions and pitches, but feel free to write to us regardless. 11 kilometers from Mengzi county town, Honghe, Bisezhai had been the extra-large station on the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway. But because of the outbreak of the Great War, these enterprises unfortunately experienced significant delay. By Frances O’Morchoe 17 March 2020 . French Indochina included Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, the latter of which the French only parted with after being defeated by … The continuous growth in freight traffic has been so rapid that the rolling stock, which could meet all needs back in 1920, is now clearly insufficient. Equally, we may be able to realise a railway line from Phnom Penh to Kampong Thom, which crosses northern Cambodia and the province of Bassac, extending as far as Pakse and Savannakhet, and connecting two lines already in the planning stages, namely those from Saigon to Phnom Penh and Siam and from Tan-Ap to Thakhek. The Nha-Trang to Tourane line, construction of which will mark the completion of the Transindochinois, responds to a pressing need. – Tourane to Hué and Quang-Tri: 175km, 24 million francs Being the juncture of the meter-gauge Yunnan-Vietnam Railway and the inch-gauge Gejiu-Bisezhai-Shiping Railway, the station was also the hub for cargo transshipment. Only the construction of the line from Haïphong to Lao-Kay and Yunnan-fu was completed in accordance with the 1898 plan, which provided for a link between the important Chinese province of Yunnan and the international port of Haïphong. Neither can rice from Cambodia, nor the varied products of Annam, access the rivers or ports from where they could be exported to markets where demand abounds.”. The weight of a sleeper with its accessories is 40kg and one kilometre of line is equipped with 250 sleepers. Yet the principle thing to do here is dress up in Red Army garb and get a photo taken, a strange subversion of history considering the railway station is of late-Qing vintage, French design and reached its commercial zenith in the Republican-era. You can even climb onto the bridge itself, even though daily freight trains still pass through, no one seems to care. On the other hand, the existence of the neighbouring Siamese rail network threatens to divert all traffic from one part of Cambodia (Battambang region). The section within China from Kunming to Hekou is known as the Kunming–Hekou railway, and is 466 km long. There’s even a railway-themed hotel Dian Yue Station, complete with green train carriage styled hall ways, rooms named after old stations and railway photography festooning the walls, just to get you in the mood. 855 kilometres in length, the railway was built by France during the period 1904-1910. Construction cost per kilometre: 214,000 francs. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for YUNNAN-INDOCHINA RAILWAY / Le Chemin de Fer du Yunnan 1910 at the best online prices at eBay! The railway into Yunnan is a metre gauge line, the only such line to operate inside China; it may, however, be converted to standard gauge. The cost of building this line has been estimated at 15 million piastres (in 1927 the average exchange rate for the piastre fluctuated at around 12.75 francs), giving a cost per kilometre of 80,000 piastres. The characteristics that we have been able to demonstrate – that the relatively weak financial performance of the Indochinese rail network does not derive from the country’s poverty, nor from the lack of traffic, nor from over-expensive operation, but only from the extremely low level of prices – constitute a very reassuring finding. Importantly, it is being seen as a major achievement for China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Ed esplora la migliore raccolta di News e foto di … Total construction cost: 43,000,000 francs It also has special funds outside the budget, working capital (supply of materials and funds), a special fund for additional works and supplies, and reserve funds to cover insufficiency in deficit years. The four railway lines which we have described will thus have an overall cost of 118 million piastres. The Yunnan Company employs a higher proportion of European staff than the Colony. It is understandable, therefore, that under these conditions, the price of construction could reach a sum so large, the largest for all of our colonial lines and that one could rightly say that this line of Yunnan was the “museum” of the difficulties encountered by engineers in the construction of our railways. This is why a general increase in ticket prices, always a delicate operation considering its potential impact on traffic, has been considered with extreme caution in Indochina, especially if one takes into account the extent of competition from waterway and automobile. Length of lines in operation: 1,216km Year opened to exploitation: 1913 (except for the Langbian branch, which has only recently been partially executed and opened to exploitation) 4. Year opened to exploitation: 1905 Goodbye to Steam at Thai Nguyen Steel Works One old wooden house is marked with a plaque that claims it was once occupied by Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh who came and studied “revolutionary principles” here. The profile of this line is very rugged. Today, some of its sections in Yunnan have become cultural relics that feature unique engineering designs and classical buildings in the French style. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Réseaux non-concédés (Non-Conceded Networks) Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for YUNNAN-INDOCHINA RAILWAY / Le Chemin de Fer du Yunnan 1910 at the best online prices at eBay! East of Mengzi, the French railway snakes into cloud enshrouded hills that hide Zhicun (芷村) – a Miao market town – from the wider-world. Length of lines in operation: 536km Scarica subito la foto Yunnan Railway Museum At Kunming North Railway Station China per uso editoriale. On the other hand, the region of Annam has recently been suffering from famine, and while rice was accumulating in large quantities in neighbouring provinces, it was physically impossible to transport it to the worst affected areas. These comprise a total of 1,653km of railway. Against this trend, we have also successfully developed measures to persuade local people to use the railway more – specifically through reduced ticket prices, which have significantly increased revenue. Length: 326km ... Indochina Tours Top Yunnan Tours The idea developed so that Britain might ‘tap’ the markets of southwest China, bypassing the Straits of Malacca, thereby reducing journey time from Europe to China. The Saigon-My Tho Railway Line, Your email address will not be published. The financial regime for exploitation provides for the reimbursement of all actual expenses incurred in the maintenance and operation of the line; it also provides a special fund for additional works of exceptional importance. The old regional capital of Gejiu (个旧) came online in 1918 and its dilapidated yellow stationhouse is now surrounded on all sides by a zesty outdoor market. To find out why it is necessary to build an extensive network of railways, you need look no further than the map of Indochina, which shows that while some of its rivers and waterways are suitable for navigation by sail and steam ships, many others are inaccessible to boats of even the smallest tonnage for much of the year.

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