what to do after a minor car accident

After a minor fender bender, it may seem unnecessary to call police to the scene. In 2019 alone, it led to more … Advisory services offered through FBL Wealth Management, LLC+. These can all be essential in helping insurance claim adjusters determine who is at fault and what exactly transpired in the accident. There are a lot of emotions associated with car accidents, regardless of who is at fault and even if no one is at fault at all. What's the risk? It’s not just about collecting insurance information or exchanging information with the other driver. You should also take a moment to check for any sparks, fires, or leaks resulting from the accident. In these cases, you generally have up to 72 hours after an accident to file a report yourself. We offer five crucial steps to help you know what to do when you hit a parked car. Allow them to make … You should always be as forthcoming as possible with your own information. Don’t take full responsibility for the accident, even if you feel at fault. The police and your insurance company will decide who is to blame. The contract is contained only in the policy. Never accept fault. If there were pedestrians or other drivers who witnessed the accident, make sure you take down their names and contact information. What is Personal Injury Protection Coverage? You can be apologetic and polite in your conversation, but try to avoid explicit admissions of fault. Taking photos can help you recall what occurred when you’re in a more stable mindset. Remember, this is still worthwhile—even if you think that you might be partially or fully at fault. What Should I Do After a Minor Car Accident? Here's what to do as soon as you are in an accident and how to manage car insurance claims related to it. Was anyone present to witness the accident? World Executive Digest | What to Do After a Minor Car Accident: A Step-By-Step Guide | Car crashes are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Note the other car's license plate number, make, model and color. If you're involved in a minor car accident in Maryland, you should follow certain steps. It’s also important to take photos after a car accident, even if it’s a small fender bender. Move your car to a nearby parking lot or side street and ask the other driver to do the … Experts also advise explicitly stating that you’re not hurt. This can include road markings, relevant street signs, stoplights, and even road name signs to help identify the exact location of where the accident happened. If you see any of these things, get far away from the vehicle and immediately call 911. What should you do? IMPORTANT: The information and material contained on this website is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any security or any insurance product in any jurisdiction. Is uninsured motorist coverage required in Arizona? Is hitting a parked car the same as a minor road accident? Driver’s license number and state of driver, Makes and models and license plate numbers of all vehicles involved, Name and badge number of responding police officers. A police report can provide valuable information to your insurance company for accident-related claims that are filed. This will give you a record of the actual damage, which you’ll need in case the other driver tries to claim a different version of the events that occurred. Are you hurt? If you’re at fault and receive a minor citation, it will be well worth the chance to have an official documentation of what occurred to give to your insurer. In every situation, the initial goal is to ensure everyone involved is safe and, if … Even if you don’t want to claim yourself, you should report the accident to your insurance company within a reasonable time. In fact, you may be able to file a claim against the … You’re not responsible for gathering personal information on every possible witness or an official statement, but try to identify a few witnesses on the scene and simply jot down their names and phone numbers. This can quickly make a minor car accident worse. Most fender benders do not cause serious injuries, but they can still have a major effect on your life; this is especially true if you do not take the right steps after a minor car accident. But the minutes immediately following an accident are extremely important, and what you say and how you act can have a massive impact on the outcome of any insurance-related actions that come next. Remember that the police are there to help and document what occurred. Shift into park, … After even a minor car accident, your adrenaline can mask your pain, or a soft-tissue injury might not be noticeable right away. 1. This is particularly important when it comes to assigning blame. Our recommendation is that you resist the urge to engage with these emotions. What now? This can be especially difficult if the other driver is upset, angry, accusatory, or defensive. No matter how minor the car accident, handling it can be daunting and time-consuming. This can be a really scary time, and you may be angry especially if it’s not your fault. 4. After an accident, you’re often disoriented, confused, and frightened. First Things First As soon as the accident happens, find a safe spot to stop the car —failing to do … Your responsibility is to obtain the driver’s information and document the circumstances of the case—not win an argument with the other driver about who did what. Do Not Admit Fault You could’ve been changing the radio station, reading a billboard, or telling your kids in the back seat to stop fighting with … After any type of accident, minor … Keep a journal of how you’re feeling, and visit a doctor if needed. In this article, we outline the steps you should follow if it happens. Even if no one suffers any injuries, drivers and passengers must know what to do in the event of an accident… If you’re unharmed, don’t immediately open your car door and hop out. Not knowing what to do can make things worse. Even with ample photos, you may also want to consider jotting down some notes immediately after the accident, either into a notepad or a notes app on your phone. This website briefly highlights Farm Bureau's insurance policies and their benefits. In some situations, particularly with extremely minor accidents, police won’t be able to come to the accident scene in-person, in which case you’ll need to visit the nearest police station and file the report yourself. Immediately Proceed to Safety. Many states require you to report any accident that involves an injury. You may only be partially at fault, or there may be circumstances you’re unaware of. What to do after a minor car accident: Always move your car out of traffic and turn on your hazard lights. If the accident occurs on a busy street, move your car to help avoid a traffic jam and to keep yourself and passengers safe. Even in a minor accident, it is important to make sure there is a legal accident … Fixed life insurance and annuity products are offered through Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company+*/West Des Moines, IA and are intended for residents of AZ, IA, ID, KS, MN, MT, ND, NE, NM, OK, SD, UT, WI and WY. so you can get back on the road safely. Want to see how affordable auto insurance can be? Property-casualty insurance products are offered through Farm Bureau Property & Casualty Insurance Company+* and Western Agricultural Insurance Company+*/West Des Moines, IA and are intended for residents of AZ, IA, KS, MN, NE, NM, SD and UT. No one wants to be in an accident. Call 911. However, the driver may have mentioned on the scene that they were ‘fine’ or ‘not hurt.’ If someone asks if you’re injured or okay, simply say that you can’t be sure until you see a doctor and leave it at that. Get Your Car Off the Road When a car accident is minor, you don’t need to stay in the road until the police arrive. Available 24/7 You saw them come into my lane, didn’t you?”. Immediately After the Accident. If you are in a minor motor vehicle collision, stay calm and follow these steps. There can also be some nervousness and fear about who’s going to be held responsible, how the accident may affect insurance premiums, and other concerns. Obtaining this report is very important, as it will help with determining the facts of your case so that insurers can make an accurate designation of what transpired. It’s also important to remain compliant with all state regulations. Individual must be licensed with issuing company to offer insurance products. Get the answers here. What To Do After A Minor Car Accident 1. Neither of you will determine who was at fault via a confrontation at the scene. But if you know how to handle yourself and make the right decisions in the time immediately after the crash, you can put yourself in the best possible position to  resolve the insurance concerns as quickly as possible. • Child car seats – always strap kids in according to manufacturer specifications, and replace car seats after even a minor accident . No security or other insurance product is offered or will be sold in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities, insurance or other laws of such jurisdiction. While this figure concerns deadly crashes, minor car accidents are prevalent and sometimes people get injured and have to seek medical attention. It happened. 6 steps to take after a minor car accident Step 1 Stop the car and breathe. Body shop estimates for that same accident, however, might run into the thousands of dollars. This will help with the claims process and help you move more quickly towards resolving the entire incident. Securities & services offered through FBL Marketing Services, LLC+, 5400 University Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50266, 877/860-2904, Member SIPC. Check the scene for injuries and danger. There are no battles to be won or lost between you and the other person in the accident at the scene. Many drivers debate whether calling 911 is the right call in the context of a minor car accident, but at Freedom National we advise that you always take the initiative to call 911 when there’s an accident, no matter how minor or the circumstances involved. Exclusions, limitations and reductions may apply. If there is no sign of leaks or damage, determine whether anyone else in the accident is hurt or in danger. Keep it simple—find out who witnessed the accident, get their contact information, and share it with your insurer whenever and wherever it’s requested. Click here to use our online quote form to see your savings today. The time immediately following the accident is for gathering information, collecting evidence, and exchanging contact info with other drivers and witnesses. Start with the vehicles, including the damaged areas, license plates, makes and models, distinguishing characteristics, and the positioning of the vehicles in the road. If your car is safe to … When it comes to which information to obtain, we recommend using this checklist: It’s also wise to snap a photo of the other driver’s license plate when possible, on the rare occasion that a driver gives you misleading or incomplete information—you’ll still have their license plate number to give to the insurance company or authorities. Individual must be a registered representative of FBL Marketing Services, LLC or an investment adviser representative with FBL Wealth Management, LLC+ to discuss securities products. Some easy ways to be prepared in case you are involved in a minor accident include: Have an emergency contact set up in your phone Keep your driver’s license, auto insurance and health insurance easily accessible Keep emergency items in your car in case of … Full Name, Phone Number, and Email Address, Driver’s license and license plate number. While we all hope that we can avoid situations like this, chances are that at some point you’ll end up in a collision with another vehicle. It’s a simple step that might get overlooked in the confusion after an accident, but turning on your hazards makes it easier for other vehicles to avoid the scene and for police and an ambulance to find you, if needed. So how can you ensure that you know what to do when you’ve been in a minor automobile accident? Minor car accidents are more anxiety-inducing than other “minor” issues in life. Remember—the more details of the accident you gather for yourself, the less you leave open to interpretation or ambiguity for claims adjusters. Take your car … Documenting Information 1. Your mind will likely be moving a mile a minute immediately after a frightening accident, even if it’s minor. You may call the police for any accident, but they’ll probably respond only if there … The accident may have pushed your car into a different lane of traffic, off the road, or directly into the middle of an intersection. Stay calm. Take stock of your situation. This can be an uncomfortable moment, as the moments immediately following a car accident can be filled with tension, frustration, and even anger if someone feels that another driver is at fault. Remember that filing a police report is required in some states, even if police don’t arrive on the scene. Document the Scene. Are you able to move normally and without pain? In a major collision, your car may be unable to drive, in which case you should safely exit the car when you can and get you and any passengers to a safer location. Even if the local police are on the scene and filing a report, taking your own photos and documentation immediately after the wreck is extremely important. However it happened, you’ve found yourself in a minor car accident. Even if the damage is minor, assess and document everything so you can report the situation accurately. Copyright © Freedom National Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved. It’s that awful sound you hear when you pull out of a parking spot or change lanes only to discover — too late! That’s why we’ve created this guide that will help you learn the most important steps to take to get safe, get the information you need, and help protect yourself from needless out-of-pocket expenses and legal action whenever and wherever possible. You can find cheap car insurance quotes online with Freedom National. You might not feel the full extent of your injuries for days, even weeks, after the accident, but you shouldn’t wait to seek medical treatment. Even if it’s just a minor car accident with no damage and no injuries, you should never leave the scene of an accident. No matter how small the car accident was, exchange the following information with the other driver: After a minor car accident, it’s likely your car will be able to be moved. What to Do After a Minor Car Accident: 8 Steps to Take, How To Get Car Insurance with a Foreign Driver’s License, 15 Auto Insurance Trends You Must Know in 2020. No matter the situation, car accidents are stressful and scary. For minor car accidents, you may wish to discuss your situation with an attorney. For minor car accidents with no damage and no injuries, skip 911 and use the direct numbers for the local police department. To get the ball rolling, you need to file a property damage claim with the driver’s insurance company. You can never predict when an accident will happen, so it’s important to make sure you’re adequately insured. Not only will your insurance company request photos like these to help settle the claim, but they can also help you keep the facts straight when it comes to what happened. Once you have your bearings, determine whether you can safely move your car to the side of the road or another safe location. Penalties for Driving Without Insurance in Arizona, The 12 Best Christmas Lights in Georgia …. Unfortunately, many drivers aren’t aware of their responsibilities when it comes to what must happen after an accident and what they need to do to file a claim. There's a chance that the other driver may try to... 2. The do… No matter how small the wreck, though, it’s always a good idea to inform the authorities of the incident. After a minor car accident, you’ll expect the at-fault driver to pay for your vehicle repairs. That’s why having a set checklist in mind for how to proceed is absolutely essential to protect yourself. Ask the driver about their well-being and make sure that no one involved has been injured or is in need of emergency medical attention. If the accident … This will allow you, the insurance company, or the police contact them easily later and receive their account of what happened. The very first thing on your mind after a car accident should always be safety. For example, in some states accidents must be reported if damage to either vehicle has exceeded $2,500 in total costs. Assist them if necessary, but hopefully after a minor fender bender everyone will be simply shaken up rather than injured. You should always check on the other accident participants, exchange insurance information and report it to law enforcement. Stay Calm. Think of details that photos can’t capture, like how fast you were going, what happened leading up to and during the accident, and anything else that might be relevant. There are few things more stressful in life than finding yourself in an auto accident. That’s another reason why calling 911 immediately after an accident is a wise idea. Vehicles – make, model, registration number, colour, condition, estimated speed, direction, use of lights or indicators, number of passengers. Anyone who may have an instinct to falsify information or use your information for purposes other than insurance claims will likely be deterred by a police presence. Even if you think the situation is your fault, you may be wrong. Safety is your first priority after a crash, said Eric Brandt, … At Freedom National, we want you to be fully prepared for anything that life throws at you, and that includes minor car accidents and collisions with other vehicles and drivers. But even if this is the case, having the police present to document the exact facts of the incident can be beneficial to you down the line when it comes to determining liability and the details of what happened. As we mentioned above, some police departments won’t come to the scene of minor fender benders. Move your car to the shoulder or side of the … In many states, if an officer at an accident scene determines the damage is minimal (usually less than $500), he or she will not file an accident report. Connect with a Farm Bureau agent to protect yourself. That way, you and the other car(s) involved in the accident won’t be a hazard for other drivers. Immediately … If the car accident is minor, move vehicles out of traffic to a safe place. Many people who witness an accident recognize their responsibility to remain on the scene to share their information in case insurers or the police need to contact them about what happened. Scene– date, time, location, weather conditions, traffic conditions, road markings and signs or signals. You will have to take care of your medical issues if any, and also get your car repaired. They don’t need your home address or other location-based identifying information, but sharing your basic contact information is a standard part of the post-accident interaction with other drivers. In fact, with most minor accidents, individuals are able to get in their cars and drive away after the police have finished up their paperwork. The following measures advise on what to do after a minor accident: Report the Accident 3. A minor accident, or fender bender, doesn’t always cause severe injuries or extensive damage to the vehicles. Even for accidents involving only vehicle damage, some states still require drivers to report the accident if the damage is … In some states, car accidents are legally required to be reported to that state’s bureau or department of motor vehicles. Getting into an accident isn't fun, but when it involves an uninsured motorist, what should you do? People– contact details, description and distinguishing fe… — that another vehicle is already there. With that in mind, it can be easy to let emotion get the better of you and lead you to say things that may not be wise. … You can never take too many photos or records of what occurred. 2. Look out your windows and think about where you are. Get yourself to safety, then get your car to safety if necessary, and only then start worrying about the other details that come next. If you are seeking the best legal counsel after a minor accident, Ponton Law is the go-to firm. Not all products are available in all states. +Affiliates *Company providers of Farm Bureau Financial Services. This is often dependent on how much damage has occurred in terms of a dollar figure. Safety First. That’s up to the insurers to decide, not you. Don’t stop at the vehicles—take photos of the area surrounding where the accident occurred. Not only that, but in many states it’s actually a legal requirement to call 911 in the event of an accident, no matter how minor it might be. Responding officers will help ensure that everyone is safe, then fill out a full accident report and document the scene of the accident as accurately and completely as possible. Get to safety. If you’re new to this sort of thing, here’s a little guide that will help you know exactly what to do after a minor accident. It’s easy to fly off the handle and get angry at the other driver, but this will only escalate the situation. The police will record details at the scene of the accident, but it’s vital you do, too. A trusted insurance provider who will be your partner every step of the way. They will be able to help you file an auto claim and  offer further guidance so you know what to do after the accident. Contact the Police. You want to present a clear and easily understood record of exactly what happened so that there’s no question about who is at fault or liable. A common occurrence is that a person in an accident doesn’t feel particularly hurt at the time, but later requires medical care which may be covered by the other driver’s insurer. And everyone fears the administrative tasks and concerns involved, not to mention the awkwardness of interacting with someone who’s car you may have just crashed into on the road. Become a safer driver by: • Avoiding certain habits that lead to … After any car accident, it’s important to keep your cool. With that in mind, avoid trying to lead witnesses with language like, “You saw it, right? What to Do After a Minor Car Accident Stay Calm. Or maybe someone moved into your lane without seeing you. Your brain has likely sent a surge of adrenaline through your body, which can make you feel agitated and make it difficult to think clearly. In general, we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to keep your emotions in check at the scene and only speak about what’s necessary. Having all of the details of the case available as possible can help remove ambiguity and keep the other driver from recounting a potentially overblown account of what happened. If police reported to your 911 call on the scene, then they’ll prepare a report which you’ll then be able to access—either there on the spot or later by calling the police department where the report was filed. So make sure to file your report within 72 hours to avoid adding legal issues on top of your insurance claim. Feel free to have small talk with other drivers or witnesses, but remember that you don’t have to win any arguments on the scene. Even worse, many don’t know how to protect themselves from financial liability or even legal action. If you're able to, move to the side of the road or a sidewalk. One detail that many people who find themselves in a collision forget is that third-party eyewitnesses can be incredibly valuable to insurance claim adjusters. You pulled out of a parking space just as someone else was doing the same. It … Some people are hesitant to call the police because they worry that they’re at fault in the accident. Remember—this is not the time to try to recruit witnesses to ‘your side’ about the events of the accident. This is also a good place to write down any notes regarding fault, rather than bringing them up directly to the other driver and causing a confrontation. Many drivers debate whether calling 911 is the right call in the context of a minor car … … Talk to a knowledgeable accident lawyer. While every incident is unique, these 8 tips will help serve as your checklist the next time you or someone you love is in a minor car accident and must decide what to do next. Contact your insurance agent as soon as you can. Once you’ve determined that everyone is safe and unharmed, and you’ve called the police, it’s time to exchange information with the other driver or drivers involved in the incident. Never assume that they’ll resolve on their own just because it was a minor collision. Collect as much information in photographs and notes – as you can while you're there. It’s easy to fly off the handle and get angry at the other driver, but this will only escalate the situation. Call the police. Look for witnesses. You should be extremely measured about anything you say after the accident. Reporting your accident to the DMV might seem intimidating, but like filing a police report it’s just another way to help keep a record of the facts of the incident to help insurance claims down the road. Don’t fall into a conversation about who’s at fault, who made which mistake, and who’s going to pay. Safety is the #1 concern in all auto-related incidents, but even parking lot accidents that don’t result in any major injuries can have serious ramifications when it comes to liability, insurance, and what comes next in the claim process. One of the best tools you can have on your side? But are they covered? Even when it’s a minor accident and there are no injuries, it’s easy to get rattled. The first thing you should ask the other driver after an accident is, “Are you okay?” Do not yell at them or make accusations. There are many questions that need to be answered after a car accident. This could include notes like whether the driver was on their cell phone, whether they signaled to change lanes, etc. An auto accident is never fun, even when it’s minor. It's a common scenario: A friend or family member borrows your car to run an errand. Make sure you know what steps to take after a minor car accident (and what not to do!) Individual must be released by FBL Wealth Management, LLC to offer advisory services. Immediately check the back of the driver’s car and snap a picture of the license plate number, as well as the make and model of the car, just in case the person drives off.

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