the indian ocean tsunami

The 20-foot (6 meter) storm surge, comparable to the height of Hurricane Katrina’s, contributed to the roughly 138,000 people killed by the storm (for comparison, Katrina killed 1,836). In 2020, 88% of World Vision's total operating expenses were used for programs that benefit children, families, and communities in need. How big was the earthquake that caused the Indian Ocean tsunami? Most tsunami-related rehabilitation work was completed by 2007. The quake caused the ocean floor to suddenly rise by as much as 40 meters, triggering a massive tsunami. Szczepanski, Kallie. After all, by far the largest death toll was in Indonesia, where people had just been shaken by the massive quake and had only minutes to find high ground. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, for example, impacted 17 countries in Southeastern and Southern Asia and Eastern and Southern Africa. Yet more than 60,000 people in other countries could have been saved; they would have had at least an hour to move away from the shoreline - if they had had some warning. Forecast and nowcast of coastal parameters. In nearly 100 countries around the world, World Vision works to improve the lives of children and families and to help them prepare for and recover from disasters. The seawater roared inland, scouring large areas of the Indonesian coastline bare of human structures, and carrying away an estimated 168,000 people to their deaths. Authorities in Indonesia, where a 9.1 magnitude quake sparked the tsunami, weren't able to … (2020, August 25). The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake struck 150 miles from the coast of Sumatra island, on the northwest of the Indonesian island group, and 31 miles below the ocean floor. A tsunami watch was issued and then cancelled for American Samoa. The most common cause of a tsunami is fro earthquakes. World Vision focused on the needs of children, families, and their communities, with programs to provide protection, healthcare, education, and livelihoods. The magnitude 9.1 quake ruptured a 900-mile stretch of fault line where the Indian and Australian tectonic plates meet. In Indonesia’s Aceh province on the island of Sumatra, about 170,000 people were killed by the massive ocean waves. Hopefully, this will ensure that the people of the Indian Ocean basin will never again be caught unawares while 100-foot walls of water barrel toward their shores. It was caused by an earthquake. Explore facts and frequently asked questions about the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, and learn how you can help survivors of disasters. World Vision pre-positions relief supplies and trains staff for emergency work in areas like child protection, relief supply chain management, clean water provision, and more. Total material losses from the tsunami were estimated at $10 million. Lesson 9 - Ocean Waves. Waves taller than coconut trees, bodies in the ocean and aid drops: pictures by child survivors of the Boxing Day tragedy. Why was the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami so destructive and deadly? The epicenter of the earthquake was off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.At first, the earthquake was measured as a 9.0 on the Richter scale.Later, scientists said it was as high as … Since the 2004 tsunami, governments and aid groups have prioritized disaster risk reduction and preparedness. The first giant waves from the Indian Ocean tsunami reached Banda Aceh, a city of about 300,000 people within 15 or 20 minutes after the earthquake. In all, nearly 230,000 people were killed, making it one of the deadliest disasters in modern history. We built roads, bridges, farms, factories, marketplaces, boat-building centers, and restored a fishing harbor. The tsunami’s waves traveled across the Indian Ocean at 500 mph, the speed of a jet plane. The tsunami and its aftermath were responsible for immense destruction and loss on the rim of the Indian Ocean. They live nearby with their families in temporary housing also built by World Vision. In disaster-prone communities where we work, we organize programs to reduce risks from disasters and train local first responders. The Causation of the Casualties . The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, also called the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, was a great underwater earthquake.It happened at 00:58:53 UTC (07:58:53 local time) December 26, 2004.. His father, mother, and four siblings survived but are struggling to get by on relief supplies. When the seafloor shot upward, it caused a series of huge ripples in the Indian Ocean - that is, a tsunami. Once the waves hit the shallows, in some places the local geography channeled them into even larger monsters, as much as 30 meters (100 feet) tall. Energy from the quake in far-off Indonesia carried away approximately 300 to 400 people along Africa's Indian Ocean coast, the majority in Somalia's Puntland region. (©2005 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren), Nine months after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami struck Banda Aceh, Indonesia, students attend Lhok Nga Primary School, one of 11 prefabricated schools built by World Vision for children in Aceh province whose schools were destroyed by the tsunami. Many families that made their living fishing lost everything; whole communities were wiped out by the tsunami. However, tsunamis are uncommon in the Indian Ocean, and people had only about 10 minutes to react. The Tsunami Programme of IOC-UNESCO, through the coordination of regional meetings, capacity building activities and support of national and regional projects is a key stakeholder for tsunami risk reduction at the global level. Despite the lapse of time, authorities had no way to warn the people of Somalia, Madagascar, Seychelles, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa. Despite the … Since tsunamis are much more common in the Pacific, that ocean is ringed with tsunami-warning sirens, ready to respond to information from the tsunami-detection buoys arrayed across the area. In the years since 2004, officials have worked hard to install and improve an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System. Traveling as fast as 500 mph, the waves spread out to distant countries including Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India. For several days, her family thought she must be dead. Then, a series of four enormous waves crashed ashore, the highest recorded at 24 meters tall (80 feet). Nearly 230,000 people died in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, making it one of the deadliest disasters in modern history. (©2004 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren), A year after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, 10-year-old Fatima Sahara (standing) and her family sit in front of their almost completed concrete block and tile home. They were unable to bring anything with them when they fled the massive waves. Destruction was greatest in the Indonesian provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra, where an estimated 170,000 people perished and the built and natural environment was damaged along hundreds of kilometers of coastline. Eight hours later and 5,000 miles from its Asian epicenter, the tsunami claimed its final casualties on the coast of South Africa. ThoughtCo, Aug. 25, 2020, World Vision built strong houses to replace fragile ones where many fishing families lived near to their boats on the coast. On December 26, 2004, at 7:59 am local time, an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 struck off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. An hour later, the waves reached Thailand; still unwarned and unaware of the danger, approximately 8,200 people were caught by the tsunami waters, including 2,500 foreign tourists. ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. Without warning, at 7:58 am, a fault along the seafloor 250 kilometers (155 miles) southeast of Banda Aceh, in the state of Sumatra, Indonesia, suddenly gave way. Earthquake intensity is based on observation and varies in different places. Dense coastal populations combined with a lack of tsunami-warning infrastructure came together to produce this horrific result. This is what caused the Boxing Day tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 and it is also the reason behind the 2011 Japan tsunami. (©2005 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren), Aid workers in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, walk past debris and a damaged building after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Perhaps the great majority of the 2004 tsunami's victims could not have been saved by buoys and sirens. A powerful undersea earthquake that struck off the coast of Sumatra island, Indonesia, set off the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, also known as the Christmas or Boxing Day tsunami, on Sunday morning, Dec. 26, 2004. Major earthquakes and tsunamis in August and September 2018 have tested Indonesia’s ability to respond and recover. The 2004 Indonesia earthquake caused a shift in the Earth’s mass that changed the. In Banda Aceh, the landmass closest to the quake’s epicenter. With no warning triggered by the volcanic activity, more than 400 people died. How can I help people affected by earthquakes and tsunamis? This page is best viewed in Netscape 7.1+ or Internet Explorer 5+. Although … Since then, ocean floor earthquake sensors have been installed to trigger early warnings, and many local communities have been trained in evacuation and disaster response. Click on the left and right arrow to scroll through the lesson, or select the play button for an automatic slideshow. Ten years after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, imagery shows how affected towns and villages have been rebuilding their shattered communities. She has taught at the high school and university levels in the U.S. and South Korea. In December 2004, when a tsunami killed more than 200,000 people in 11 countries around the Indian Ocean, the United States was reminded of its own tsunami risks. Get inspiring articles and news delivered to your inbox. When the Indian Ocean tsunami struck on Dec. 26, 2004, no one saw the massive waves coming. Their home was destroyed by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Massive sea surges triggered by an earthquake under the Indian Ocean have killed over 10,000 people in southern Asia, with many more feared dead. This sudden movement released an unimaginable amount of energy - equivalent to approximately 550 million times the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. To understand how earthquakes cause tsunamis we must first fully understand what causes earthquakes. Sometimes known as the Christmas or Boxing Day tsunami, the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami is far from a distant memory, a decade after resulting in more than 200,000 casualities. In the worst-affected areas, the quake’s intensity rated IX on the Mercalli scale, the second highest rating possible. We provided training and employment opportunities to 40,000 people, child-rights awareness sessions for more than 27,000 people, educational support for more than 2,000 teachers and 137,000 children, and implemented community-level disaster risk reduction programs. Indonesia lies between the Pacific Ring of Fire, where 90% of earthquakes occur, and the second-most active seismic zone, the Alpide belt. Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, first of several 100-foot waves hit the shoreline of Banda Aceh, Fast facts: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. In Indonesia’s Aceh province on the island of Sumatra, about 170,000 people were killed by the massive ocean waves. Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2004. Retrieved from Days after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, a man in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, scavenged the rubble for usable items. Interviews by Kate Lamb in Jakarta ‘We … The epicenter of the 9.0 magnitude quake was located in the Indian Ocean near the west coast of Sumatra. A magnitude 9.1 underwater earthquake ripped along 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) of the fault, displacing parts of the seabed upward by 20 meters (66 feet), and opening a new rift 10 meters deep (33 feet). Many coastal dwellers lost their livelihoods as fishermen and fish mongers when the waves destroyed their homes, boats, and nets. It was centered in the ocean near the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part. Days after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, a man in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, scavenged the rubble for usable items. This article lists the countries affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and the resulting tsunami in alphabetical order -for detailed information about each country affected by the earthquake and tsunami, see their individual articles.Countries with a smaller number of casualties, as well as those that lost citizens who were travelling abroad, are listed further on in the article. Fishermen, shopkeepers, Buddhist nuns, medical doctors, and mullahs - all around the Indian Ocean basin, people went about their morning routines. Then, in succession, tsunami waves rolled over coastlines in Thailand, India, and Sri Lanka, killing tens of thousands more. The epi-centre was located under sea water at 3.32 N 95.85 E. This is the fourth largest earthquake in the world since 1900. (©2005 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren), Booplan Raman, 15, sits next to the rubble of his home. Learn More. Around 8:08 am, the sea suddenly drew back from the earthquake-devastated shores of northern Sumatra. The waves overran the low-lying Maldive Islands, killing 108 people there, and then raced on to India and Sri Lanka, where an additional 53,000 perished about two hours after the earthquake. The tsunami also moved east across the Indian Ocean. When it hit Sumatra, it was 100 feet (30 meters) high along parts of the northwest coast. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. World Vision built 12,000 homes, 200 Child-Friendly Spaces, 84 schools, 60 playgrounds, and 27 health clinics. On 26 December 2004, a magnitude 9.1 earthquake (3.316 N, 95.854 E, depth 30 km) occurred off the coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Indian Ocean tsunami: survivors' stories from Aceh. Ocean State Forecast. Altogether, an estimated 230,000 to 260,000 people died in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami. All donations are tax deductible in full or in part. It was a powerful megathrust quake, occurring where a heavy ocean plate slips under a lighter continental plate. © 2021 World Vision, Inc. All rights reserved. The waves were still 12 meters (40 feet) tall. The Indian plate is a heavy ocean plate, and it slipped under the lighter coastal plate, rupturing a 900-mile length of the fault. How does World Vision help people prepare for disasters? The region is prone to earthquakes because it sits along the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, a horseshoe-shaped series of seismic fault lines around the ocean. 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami timeline. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our. Then, in December 2018, Anak Krakatau volcano’s ongoing eruptions in the Sunda Strait caused undersea landslides that triggered a tsunami that struck beaches in both Sumatra and Java. Her older son, Sadhur, 4, and daughter, Nirusha, 10, are sponsored by World Vision. In fact, devastating tsunamis have struck North America before and are sure to strike again. Western tourists on their Christmas holiday flocked to the beaches of Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia, reveling in the warm tropical sun and the blue waters of the sea. The Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, which caused the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, is estimated to have released energy equivalent to 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs. Magnitude is a measure of the release of energy at the earthquake’s source. The quake itself was third-most powerful since 1900, exceeded only by the Great Chilean Earthquake of 1960 (magnitude 9.5), and the 1964 Good Friday Earthquake in Prince William Sound, Alaska (magnitude 9.2); both of those quakes also produced killer tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean basin. Szczepanski, Kallie. The deadliest tsunami recorded in documented history was on 26 December 2004, and is known as the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. "The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami." The tsunami generated by the earthquake was recorded nearly world-wide and killed more people than any other tsunami in recorded history, almost 230,000 missing and presumed dead. This was the tsunami of 2004 which claimed about 200,000 lives. "The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami." The quake occurred along a fault line between the Indian tectonic plate and the Burma microplate, part of the Australian plate. There were no tsunami warnings. In Sri Lanka, the tsunami came ashore about 90 minutes after the earthquake. The December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was caused by an earthquake that is thought to have had the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs. The earthquake was said to have a magnitude of 9.3 on the Moment magnitude scale. Remember, tsunamis are an after-effect of an earthquake. (©2004 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren), Smiling, a World Vision-sponsored girl in Sri Lanka has just been reunited with her family after having gotten lost fleeing the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Finally, the tsunami struck the coast of East Africa some seven hours later. At the sea surface, that set in motion a wave—a tsunami that traveled around the Indian Ocean. They found each other when her parents went to a World Vision aid distribution to get food. The people closest to the epicenter had some warning about the unfolding catastrophe - after all, they felt the powerful earthquake. Get breaking disaster news in your inbox! Arahi and her husband, Permal, 32, found their bodies after water drained from the swampy area behind their hut. Get inspiration in your inbox!Join a community of change makers. (©2005 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren), Arahi Japanthan, 26, sits next to a shrine she made in her home in memory of her youngest daughter, Snega. Brief Overview of the Disaster by Countries On 26 Dec 2004, 00:58:53 UTC (7:58:53 am local time), a magnitude 9.0 earthquake occurred off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The Indian Ocean’s waters touch those of the Pacific’s near its east and southwest regions. With no warning, coastal populations were caught by the pounding waves. One of the world’s most disastrous natural event happened in the Indian Ocean. Only three weeks after the tsunami, representatives of 168 nations agreed to the Hyogo Framework for Action, which paved the way for global cooperation for disaster risk reduction. of India) ... Tsunami Early Warnings. In response to the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, World Vision mounted its largest-ever relief response across five countries simultaneously — Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, and Myanmar — and raised more than $350 million. Within 20 minutes of the earthquake, the first of several 100-foot waves hit the shoreline of Banda Aceh, killing more than 100,000 people and pounding the city into rubble. She lost two of her three daughters when the Indian Ocean tsunami struck their coastal village in southeast India. Reconstruction of infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods had to begin from the ground up. How did World Vision help people recover from the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami? December 26, 2004, seemed like an ordinary Sunday. The tsunami devastated thousands of communities in countries bordering the Indian Ocean. The Sumatra Earthquake of December 26, 2004, The 8 Most Powerful Earthquakes Ever Recorded, The Science Behind the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, About the Architecture of Tsunami-Resistant Buildings, J.D., University of Washington School of Law, B.A., History, Western Washington University. So the quake caused violent shaking and extensive damage to even well-built buildings. (©2005 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren), In the days after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami devastated the coast of India’s Tamil Nadu state, two young women sift through the remains of their home looking for valuables and documents. With waves traveling 500 mph across the Indian Ocean, the tsunami hit the coastal provinces of Phang Nga and Phuket an hour and a half later. 4.9 earthquake - Indian Ocean, 88 km southwest of Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia, on Sunday, 21 Feb 2021 9:56 pm (GMT +7) - ThoughtCo. Our coastal restoration programs included planting 56,000 mangroves to serve as a natural barrier to rising ocean levels. How many people died in the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami? Minimizing loss due to oceanographic disasters in the Indian Ocean. Dr. Kallie Szczepanski is a history teacher specializing in Asian history and culture. The damage caused by the 2004 tsunami spurred impacted countries to rethink mangrove importance and many restoration projects are working to rebuild lost forests. But large tsunamis can also reach distant shorelines, causing widespread damage. Why did so many people die on December 26, 2004? We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations: World Vision Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Now, the Indonesian government is working to add volcano sensors to its warning systems. Today, World Vision’s expansive child sponsorship, health, education, water, food, agriculture, and income-generating activities are found across each of the tsunami-affected countries. 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: 10 years on Indonesia. (accessed March 5, 2021). Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, tsunami that hit the coasts of several countries of South and Southeast Asia in December 2004. Scientists cannot predict when and where the next tsunami … Few residents of the densely populated area realized that the earthquake they had felt could cause a tsunami, and there was little time to flee to higher ground. (©2005 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren), Selvarani sits on a mat next to her sleeping son, 4-month-old Arun, in the library of a World Vision meeting center in Ampara, Sri Lanka. Interview. Tsunami forecasting. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami (also known as the Boxing Day Tsunami and, by the scientific community, the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake) occurred at 07:58:53 in local time on 26 December, with an epicentre off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia.It was an undersea megathrust earthquake that registered a magnitude of 9.1–9.3 M w, reaching a Mercalli intensity up to … The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is defined by the difference in sea surface temperature between two areas (or poles, hence a dipole) – a western pole in the Arabian Sea (western Indian Ocean) and an eastern pole in the eastern Indian Ocean south of Indonesia. Abineha, 5, and Snega, 3, weren't able to keep up with their sister Kyalvelli, 10, as they fled the rushing waters. An 8.9 magnitude earthquake under the sea near Aceh, north Indonesia, at 0759 local time (0059 GMT) generated the biggest tsunami the world has seen for at … Szczepanski, Kallie. The earthquake’s magnitude was measured between 9.1 and 9.3, making it the third-most powerful quake since 1900. Although the Indian Ocean is seismically active, it was not wired for tsunami detection in the same way - despite its heavily-populated and low-lying coastal areas. Moderate mag. Indian Ocean tsunami survivors reunited with childhood drawings. The Indian Ocean tsunami was the most deadly in recorded history. Debris is all that’s left of the family’s possessions after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami struck the southeast coast of India where he lives. (©2005 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren).

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