myanmar export 2017

Myanmar has to mainly rely on the foreign market for exports of Mung bean, green gram and pigeon pea. ministry of commerce export/import trade situation of myanmar in (1-4-2017) to (7-4-2017) compared to the same period of 2016-2017 fiscal year (cso ၊ custom negotiation list) Thu, 04/20/2017 - 03:59 -- … The Myanmar government is making strides to improve this. Economic growth in Myanmar is expected to be 6.5 percent in 2016-2017 ... textiles, fertilizer, animal feed, and medical equipment will find export potential in Myanmar. Myanmar’s foreign trade volume was US$26.4billion in total from April to March 2016-2017 fiscal years, which is S$547.6million higher, compared to the same period of the last year. Myanmar’s export volume totaled US$10.7billion and Myanmar’s import volume US$15.7billion so far. Border Trade Data. The immediate consumer market for U.S. products is still Procedures; Documentation; Import. According to Boston Consulting Group, 10 million Burmese will achieve middle class status by 2020. Search form. A decline in export earnings is linked to the fact that India placed a ban on imports of Mung bean, green gram and pigeon pea in August, 2017-18 FY. Total export value of primary timber products accounted for about 400 million US dollars in 2015. March 8, 2017 by thiha. Procedures; Documentation; Special Order But, logistic, infrastructural, and regulatory impediments to trade still remain. Myanmar extracted more than 300,000 cubic tons of teak in 2013-2014 fiscal year, according to the Central Statistical Organization branch under Myanmar Timber Enterprise. During the last five years the exports of Myanmar have dynamically increased at an annualized rate of 12.8% between 2010 and 2016. According to ITTO (2017) the industry of Myanmar produced in 2015 about 4.4 million m3 of logs. . THOUGH MYANMAR’S fishery export income took a dive for three straight years until 2015, industry players hold high hopes to rebound, given the slight increase last year and the potential continuation of growth this fiscal year ending on March 31. MINISTRY OF COMMERCE EXPORT/IMPORT TRADE SITUATION OF MYANMAR IN (1-10-2020) TO (29-1-2021) COMPARED TO THE SAME PERIOD OF 2018-2019 FISCAL YEAR (CSO ၊ CUSTOM NEGOTIATION LIST) USD In Mill: NO. Myanmar Fishery Export Income Set to Double. Timber exports sector has seen a consecutive decline after the government suspended the export of timber logs on April 1, 2014. In 2017-2018 FY, the country produced over 14,000 cubic tons of teak. The export volume plunged to 2.29 million metric tons, worth $691 million, in the 2018-2019 FY. Based on statistics from the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook Database, Myanmar’s total Gross Domestic Product amounted to US$334.9 billion as of April 2017. According to the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business 2017 report it takes exporters 144 hours and US$432 to export goods out of Myanmar and 232 hours and US$457 to import goods into the country. Export. Myanmar shipped 3.6 million tons of rice in the 2017-2018 fiscal year, which was an all-time record in rice exports. SECTOR. Exports of three beans account for 80 per cent of the total exports. – GNLM (Translated by Ei Myat Mon)

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