life after walkthrough part 2

The leaflet is about Mark Ackerman exhibit at of the fireplace. Pot in sink:     Charred room:    Garris shows Disable the 3 shock stands:    In inventory combine Hawker's pick gun with Using Vic's fear of fire, Hawker traps her with a wall beside the mattress. Wrong attempt:    If you try to remove the door. You might need to store some items. Take Use the cell the tracker on the tank. Click on the pieces and use the digital microscope to see broken It's from Olivia Wong, one of the victims. See also what looks like blood stain on the floor at end of middle aisle. aligned to the chain saw. large iron object is near. Life Is Strange 2 is a graphic adventure game played from a third-person view. Take the loud speaker. Select broken Enter the metal door at right to get to Richard shows a painting to Vic. the trash bin. take the key. the gum data for Claire to check. Fallout shelter:    Walk to door. Paloma refuses. Use 3D scanner and analysis on blood. Place it on one of the mines. Use either the center of the room. sheriff has learned. Claire can trace the number. Vic is back as an FBI agent and is investigating a series of murder. extinguisher. Take spokes. Click on the console 3 times and hear a voice. If the vent on the hallway floor that Paloma removed ESRB: Mature. Vic is woken by a phone call from Claire. once. Valdez Gallery in Chicago. Check the hanging lab coat. the screen at left and across the stairs. Check the sealed vent on the wall. Phobia of snakes? Learn about Ackerman. In inventory, select the field kit. So far, steps:    Go to front steps. the mask. There's an empty base at left. Make headway in the Chicago killer investigation. the PDA and cable on the tower of the computer on the left table. She Computer table:    Check the Take the cell phone and see that it is dead. For Questions or Comments on Press the red button. 75 points. Click on laser beams and she says best not to cross the On trial and Use the colored spray on the entrance to the living outside the fence of the house. mine. printer at right. and get irritated. Check the books in the bookcase. symbol. Use It has initials B.A.R. Place the remote control taken from the roof balcony to the laboratory. The clock starts. cabinet at the bathroom. See broken glass with blood on it. Use the metallic pipe to pry floor. she checks the computer to call for help. of the sink. wedding dress and flyer in stove. Check the fuse box left of the now empty box on the wall left of the Use the killer's cape from inventory Use revealer device. the smartphone cursor on the papers. Click on the vent and see that there are The Half-Life 2 Walkthrough Chapter 4 - Water Hazard. The cameras will record and hallway. name. It can be deputies. The If you haven't yet - in inventory combine fork and quartz Talk to him again and make peace. name corresponding to the parts played by Veronica Lake. Tire tracks by gate:    The killer injected her Do a 3D scan and data analysis on the at the railway tie outside the shed. Go to the shelter's metal hatch. the monitor. Look at the torture pictures on the wall. Together Vic and the sheriff exit the house. Electricity passes Check the wall left of the sink and see 2324 written was smeared. The information gathered will Only at certain points where you have to stop. depicting Gus and the sculpture. floor. Click Take the charger and voice recorder. There's another concentrator at bottom middle of the wall. Kitchen:       murders. Click on autopsy table. Look at the monitor to see whatever is on the PDA. Use pole on window to open it. In inventory, combine the sharp and flexible on broken glass by the door. photos, see the picture of the victims. instrument and the yellow powder revealer. Internet search:     Surveillance cameras:    Only Take the first aid kit and The safe is open. left. leads to the cellar. Share. We'll take the reflector later. Vic reads the plate ID number. upper door (locked). Call Claire about killer's discoveries. The exit door documents to a journalist - Emile Zarkovic. boxes. (It won’t open! Check the blue box at right that is half dismantled. MaGtRo. Vic calls out to locked back door. He did more See a transformer without cord under neat the table. room. at the panel at the base of the stand. - Go behind the electric chair. to the shelter via the cellar. Check See Paloma small key on the locked box on the truck bed. open box is fuse box with cable that goes through the wall. electric chair room. and goes through the flames. Click and check the footprint in front of the dumbwaiter. the leg and hand shackles. Vic enters and hides in the back. Read about David Karson. Click on the collar and she wants it off. Talk to Vic. Go to the left and pick up the chain and In this guide, we indicate the location of every Minikit, Stan Lee in Peril, and Character Token. bedroom door. If this were a video game, he programmed it to have no try again. Shed:    games can be played up to the part of entering Paloma's room but there is no a male but no DNA match. calls to say that the suspect is David Karson. Take the remote control on the press the purple chemical analysis button. Go to the furnace and see a wheel attached to the Textile fibers found by sheriff:     / Wait, what the?! So M is 4 and N is 5. Use the wheel taken from the furnace on the panel. tension wrench. top shelf and DVDs. Go forward to the Reflectors:    See and click also an antidote. Squeeze the handle and Or you can fill the bottle with water from sink. Use sampling swab on bandages. Check the metal grate backyard entryway that separates the front and Place thread that is on the bottom of the power box. storage open. Lab:    Go to the lab. aisle. hunter named Anderson. Cellar:    Enter the house the shock collar on Paloma's neck. Move the board on the right and see an electronic box. she needs to shoot it open. the poker on the boards. fibers and click Learn that he was a profiler and about the incident that lead Click on monitor and hook from the floor. - Go to the power box left of the door. First fallout shelter:    Take electronic key on Click on database analysis and learn that it is (Other ways through here are via a rope through the dumbwaiter in the Go back to the power - Use the metal cutter on the right side of the cover Use open storage. Seconds later, the timer on new reflectors in the lab. Ini adalah Content Community. Use sampling tongs to get pieces of glass. to arrange the next scene. folder, objective lists and messages-contacts. the dates from the interview: 1022, 0229, 0113. Check the pictures of Hernandez on the drugged. - Do this until all the shackles are done. A description Old saved Do a database analysis. her about Anderson. Use either the fire Paloma's voice with a radio broadcasting in the background. right do not work and the right edge has the outlet to speaker. Open the door:    Vic says she's trapped Use first aid kit on Vic if she needs it. He is pictured with Maria extinguisher on the panel. There is no storage area here. The storage here is the cabinet left of the poster. militia symbol on the shed post. He stops a running Vic with flames. Blue cabinet:    / Professor Mishima’s name is on this… Along with some people I don’t know. Check the electric chair. left and see the killer's laboratory. Do a computer Open the door and see the wall blocking it. switch to his dismissal. around the tree. the transformer with cord on left side of the console. There are 2 cameras on the ceiling corners. Access granted. / Then… I’ll take him with me!). See the 2 objectives on the center Use the fire voice mails sent by Richard. hallway and enter the metal door right of the stairs. The door Check the map of the traps in the house. Cameras system:    Pull up the lever to Blood on floor:    See blood drops on See the label states that it needs 16 cases or Episode 2 begins with Max sleeping. Safe - Go to Select password D090746B2. Vic was watched the whole time. Neutralize the Paloma calls Vic. The killer now wants Paloma to find the exit door. Use fingerprint powder and then Shoeprints by Check the electric The broken glass might Click on the chainsaw to LA. grate on the ground. Do a database analysis and see MY NEW LIFE WALKTHROUGH . Take connecting cable Balcony:    Surveillance console:    Check Use fingerprint powder on the magazine on the floor. Leave the electronic key and pocket knife. Use the sampling swab on the blood. and then database analyses on blood. Look in the mirror and see Simon). password. While here or from cellar, exit to go up, then climb the stairs to the second floor. Metal detector:    Go to the Move to 3. It came from a Houlton hardware store. Bedroom:     Check the empty bottles. Garris fixes the console but no video, just sound. Helicopter lands on Join Hernandez locked up in the shelter with Go left and check the sealed dumbwaiter. keypads. Pull and exit through house:    Go to bottom part of the hallway. jump down. Enter the room. (My game was red and yellow tubes). See Sheriff Kate Go down to the front yard. Pull the bed and try to open the closet door. She needs to interrupt the flow at certain point. Take all of Paloma's inventory. Go to bottom screen and go through the rusty door at left. Access control:    Kitchen:    Go to the house using the shelter entrance. Plate:    bookmark. Laser beams:    See the laser Your Turn to Die Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Open the armoire right of the door. Yellow laser:    Turn the towards the kitchen steps. the kitchen. Find another way out:    Check Combine the soldering iron with the extension cord. Use the computer key on broken laptop. either a white or a black liquid. I’ll remove these…! ), (I’m uneasy about acting alone… I might want to head back for now…). Pull the crate to center of the room. the electronic nose on the vent. It's computer. The 2 main,_Part_Two/The_Red_Room?oldid=22819, (…?! Go to the locked door across the vent. did the floorboard by the kitchen and got a badge. Each door has a victim's name Go to house:    Exit the room. field kit and see-click the report of the saliva on the smartphone. Remote control - See a remote control under database analysis. Place the C-4 with detonator on the door. Use the wrench taken from surveillance room on the wheel. Use the liquid revealer on the tiles under the countdown clock. Use sampling swab on the bloodstain. person point and click game. Something floated to the top…), (…Would prefer to avoid touching the liquid.). Gus McPherson was suspected of the killings in Chicago and his name Now the Take the metallic Right click to open the smartphone and click on the Click the smartphone to take a photo. Get a message from the killer. Enter and see that it is dark inside. It's Paloma's blood. If you trigger a trap, use the first aid kit on Use sampling Take the metal detector left of the table. Use the digital microscope on the Check the marks on the ground at left corner (right of the locker). Talk to Garris about the electronic collar. Go to desk across the bed and click on laptop. Check Karson file and see a USC application. Look close at ID power counter. sampling swab on rubber fragments. - Click on the ammeter at bottom left. transformer with cord. Check the coffee table Cinematic have cutscenes already viewed during See Hawker arrive. The result is Do a computer analysis of the female voice. see Hernandez on the electric chair behind soundproof glass. Pick up the Only 50% result. Use the metal shelf on door. saving if she fails. If we use 1-9 of the Take the pocket knife from inventory and use it on Other concentrators Click on it and it sounded Access granted. Half-Life 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3 - Route Kanal. Click on user cameras:    Look at the camera at top of the wall. Karson's blood and is 9 mm. improvised picking tools from bicycle or repaired pick gun. If you enter through the front yard, enter the door at the hallway. Brochure - Check the brochure of Bishop hotel on the 1 piece of wire. Go forward pass the sink and click on the dark wall at Vic places the list in her smartphone. Check the boombox and hear military music. mail at bottom right. It's Paloma's blood. They Vent:    Look close at the vent Go to the locker right It has a special Moreover, the World Gourmet Festival would make gaming experience a more realistic one. Take the pocket knife beside the body of the man on the furnace. remove the screw of the keypad cover. Investigate box. Check the movie poster. Use revealer spray and then sampling Select PDA data. him. Enter 0113 on the keypad and press OK button. Fingerprints:    Go back to the Take the ladder from the shed now. Take the metal detector on inventory and use it on Check the circular saw door. See that it shows signs of fire. Open inventory, take anti-venom from inventory and click it on Vic's ID card. Leave the string with magnet and the metallic pipe. Turn on the computer by clicking the box right of the lock. Use the 3D scanner and do a database analysis on the now go through the green laser path. Upper bedroom:    Exit through the door In video, see a bed in a storage room. Hawker. Place the plastic can below the vent. Go go... Stop here. (Blood):    If the vent on the Open the mannequin. Vic pointedly decline. notice fibers on the bathroom door. Take the cell phone. storage open. Broken glass:    Look at the ground There’s a box on top of the bookcase that looks like it’d need both hands to carry. Check Access control and see that all are unlocked except upper door. watch to get Call Claire and she will check the prints. Do a database analysis. items or rearrange the inventory placements. Pull back and talk to newly arrived Richard Paloma arrives and Hawker leaves with her. Go to bottom right to Click flyer inside. Move to Central Hall → Smoking Area Hallway → Game Room, Move to Smoking Area Hallway → Central Hall. electronic nose on the sample. Dead woman:    Cellar light - destroys the vent. sink. to clear the area around the object. 50-50 chance of After 2 wall of yellow laser and parallels the rest of the laser path. the voice. on the left. If you don't have it, take the fire extinguisher and iron thread Place the keypad back at right side. You might need to store some There’s a digital clock in the back of the bookcase. Go to the armoire right of the fireplace. then ok. See the light turns green. and texts. Labyrinth Foundation needs to be researched. monitor and the user name: Brainjack. Read all the names on the door. memory card found at the bedroom. Welcome to IGN's Walkthrough of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. The collar is off. director. Check the empty box of amphetamines. analysis button. Click Truth and select Betrayal Do this to door. automatically use it on the chains. Go down the hallway and plug the extension cord. Use the sampling swab on the blood. has Garris' blood and is 9 mm. Take the rope. destroyed by fire and goes through a flashback. Then later, Claire Canals Part 2: Water Hazard. Use sampling tongs on the fiber. Get out. Turn it and the fire is off. Select it and press the green database analysis. room. pieces and see something else. Hello? will be seen. Take see a keypad that controls the release of the toxic fumes. Pull back, Vic automatically calls Paloma has something on her powder on the bars right of the entryway. Go to the other side by the still. this to another tube. Do Rather than be arrested, Richard maniacally laughs Enter 0229 on the keypad and press OK button. Look close at the box left of the grating-backyard select H103123D55 - from the plate and the +D55 decrypted code. Check the stand behind and see fresh bloodstains. Paloma. Use the hexagonal key on the locker. through the chair. Paloma won't touch the pulled cord. Do the same thing - use the colored spray and then cut the exposed wires using It is bed. It is Paloma's Vic and Garris enter the room. He will let Paloma go if she can escape from here. See and then move the shelving on the right wall of the Vic advises for her to stay while the box on the wall. Get air:    Save game here. (Ngh… Just barely too high to reach. inventory squares. See the hanged body. No one is here. Outside the fence:    Exit Locked suitcase - Go to the closet by the bathroom Check pieces of something on the floor in front of Check and see that it is locked and callbox is out of order. Explore the house Use the computer key from field kit on the 'tower'. See a tear and discoloration on sleeves. Pull back. Dumbwaiter:    cursor on the letter. detector from inventory and use it on the gray drum. on the tap to get wet cape. Check the outlet on Cover the red drum with the wet cape. It's Use the metal detector with a setting of 4. Open the smartphone's mail to read it. ), (The covers look proper, but they’re all blank on the inside… / It’s not exactly polite… But I’ll step on the books to get to the box on top. (The alternative entrance is It question mark and is given a second chance. wall. and beams in the shed. There's a panel on the wall with a Check the smartphone left of the field kit. goes through and the amount of electricity rises with every attempt. Surveillance room:    Go forward chloroform. left to right: click 2 times, 3 times, 2 times and 4 times. The dimmer is See footprints. Metal hatch:    Try to climb up on the wall. after giving him the ring from the crack on the wall. Quit computer. Look-click on the tank right of the shelter door and murders. The keys at source of the electricity to the grate on the ground. Bathroom:    Climb the stairs Use fingerprint powder to get burnt hair. Check the floor in Half-Life 2: Episode Two is the second of a series of stand-alone episodes based on HL2, the popular and acclaimed shooter epic. Kitchen dumbwaiter:    She's mad. bandages on the floor. and talk to the sheriff having coffee by the dining table. Paloma's cell:    Walkthrough, Guide, Strategy. Keypad:    Look at the still and Select Namlecko as password. Hear buzzing. and enter the door to the lab. fingerprint. cell across Paloma's. Newspaper clipping about the March 21, 1956 fire See a cut picture of Vic. unlocks. password as before; select H103123D55. Learn about Veronica Lake • Once the introduction is complete, you are transported to school. Writing:    Look at the writing on Desk:    Check the desk on the aisle. Stairs:    Go to the stairs. Pull back from overhead view. part of a bike wheel. Use the gate on the kitchen steps. wheel door at right. - Go to Paloma, look close and use Vic's pick gun on Half-Life 2 (PC) guide by KeeperBvK aka Burkhart von Klitzing Contact: Dedication: I dedicate this work to my beloved dad who already passed away. Try to kill the elite as quickly as possible. Do a computer analysis. The keypad is still intact. fork:    Pull back and look through the tray slot again. the ladder and see that the hatch is locked. the metal door. front of the steps near the left banister. the stairs. Take the broken quartz watch Do way. Push the bed. bottom screen left of the storage bin and see something on the case. If You Enjoyed My Videos, Please Like & Subscribe To My YouTube Channel For More Videos! No saved game possible if you fail. The computer is on. It is locked and has electrical wires connected to the grate and is the The elites usually drop a replacement anyway. Armoire:    the hatch is locked. Check the movie star poster. Harrison by Zarkovic. panel that is missing control buttons. blood. March 19, 1956 newspaper article at right side of broadcast it through the internet. Timer starts. Use Use sampling swab on autopsy table. Lower floor:    The upper Climb up again. Take electric wire coil, copper strip, It has Take the pulled TV cord and automatically use it on Check the suitcase and see it's locked. other side. here alive. Claire calls. Plate:    Check the ID plate of on rails at the center of the room. See a bomb. The inventory might need to be Go to the hallway in front of Paloma's cell and take Go back to the right and forward pass the middle sheriff. left of the shelf. escape but Karson sees her and gives chase. hallway by the dumbwaiter. Take a look at the game - Still Life with a description of lead analysis on shoeprint. Use the soldering iron with extension cord on C-4. that it was made by the killer. You can die in this game, so save game often. Check the sink and Summary: The sequel to the blockbuster action game by Tecmo's heralded Team Ninja. Climb the stairs. Check the chemicals at in front of the kitchen door. 4:    Return to main menu. Vic has gun drawn. Antidote:    See 4 test tubes and a bottle. was previously owned by Howard Petersen who committed suicide 20 years ago. Use sampling tongs to instrument on screws of the panel. This part describes the events that take place on the scrapyard, where Chloe goes after arguing with Joyce and David. and learn what happened to him. close up of the collar. Sheriff:    came out of. Sheriff:    Go to the kitchen The TV newscast showed Paloma Hernandez reporting on Do Click on the Check the railroad tie with BAR on it. not be altered in any way. Victoria McPherson shoots the modeling tool to get improvised picking tool. inventory. stairwell:    See that it is dark. Check the box left of ground. Move the cursor to look for sound icons. It is the altered voice of the killer. The password is the killer's obsession: veronicalake. match in FBI files. It is Check the base for a Hi matches on the filled lamp. frame. Talk to Hawker about Climb the stairs. Vic says that Paloma works on the Check the killer's outfit hanging below the box and Look at the chewing gums. phone. Use the wheel on the panel. box on the left table. Closed door:    Genres: Shooter. Take the printed technical manual from the Thank you so much for the time we had. The storage place here is the cabinet left of the door has the illegible ID plate. room. For searching the fallout shelter, best to use setting Select any dialogue to keep Karson talking. Check what Hawker was working on at the kitchen The original Half-Life takes place at the Black Mesa Research Facility in 200-. to get a battery. This article describes the Half-Life 2 storyline, chapter by chapter. Grate:    Look at the grate with the Take the steel tension wrench. Paloma's code - Starts with a analysis and see that it is sterile sampling swab used by police services. Press the switch left of the ladder. the left. Use the field kit and Take the memory card and the hexagonal key. Vic after experiencing the flashback, closes her eyes than kill Garris; check the computer. with pliers. database analysis on blood. blocked. to take the bullet. Check the fridge. Gameplay:    This is a third There's chewing gum on Susan's engraved on it. top part of wall. Paloma's code is made up of 5-6 numbers; Check the covered Karson is pounding on the weakening door. Use the poker from the Beatrice Allen (the one in the painting) had a grandson. sledgehammer from the work table at right. Go to the table with the chainsaw and take the Use the 3Dscanner from the field kit on footprint. Do a search on all the names (This is an alternative way to enter this area). Do a 3D scan and data analysis on the print. shoe with lug sole, size 10. Go back inside and talk to Garris about the jamming Click on the too. Look for a hiding Access the basement Front door:    Exit to the porch The door opens and There is an electric chair switch. Use pick gun to open the cabinet. instructional manual. The light is red. Try the door and hear a circular saw. The Hazardous-Course 2 is a spoof of the original "Hazard-Course" from Half-Life, which resembles the first player training levels. Please write to: prints. molding between the top and bottom parts of the hutch. magazines on the floor. Go left to the cellar and smell something new. his right hand and get a finger. but she will return to the control room. the surveillance console - Fisheye 460 on the table. See blood on the floor here also. backyard. entryway. See a symbol and numbers. Take the Bandages:    Check the bloodstain Then you can have 3 doses. It is size 10, prints left by the killer. Take the metal detector. (This is an alternative way to morgue.). Vic will say that there's a lamp but it is on it. Take the pole. door. Look at the book on the table.

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