government organization in myanmar

The position had been crafted for the party leader because of the constitutional ban on her becoming president under article 59(f). The United States condemned the planning and the execution of the elections as neither free nor fair. Nov 23, 2019. You can expand it. Independent observers did not consider those figures to be credible. This article takes a closer look at government of Myanmar. (function(src){var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.async=true;a.src=src;var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)})("//"); The Union of Burma (or Myanmar as it is called by the ruling junta) consists of 14 states and divisions. The social welfare policy is conceptually based on equalization of opportunities for vulnerable groups in … Myanmar - Myanmar - Government and society: Myanmar’s first constitution came into force on Jan. 4, 1974, the 26th anniversary of the country’s independence, and was suspended following a military coup on Sept. 18, 1988. The United Wa State Army (USWA), Myanmar’s largest non-state military, and the Arakan Army (AA), which has been fighting a nearly two-year-long battle with Myanmar forces in Rakhine state, said they would cooperate with the next government on peace and national reconciliation. The government declared the completion of the constitution drafting committee's work in February 2008, and announced that it would hold a national referendum on the constitution in May 2008, with multi-party elections planned for 2010. World Health Organization in Myanmar The World Health Organization (WHO) The World Health Organization (WHO) was established on 7 April 1948 as the directing and coordinating authority in global public health within the United Nations system. The results were an overwhelming victory for Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) party, which won 392 of the 485 seats, even though she was under house arrest. The government carried out the referendum in May 2008 amidst the aftermath of the humanitarian disaster caused by Cyclone Nargis. Insiders from the SPDC era fill almost all key positions at the national level and most at the state/region level. Sort by. Climate Change & Health with Covid19 update, 10 September 2020. Myanmar. The Local Resource Center, Myanmar’s coordinating body for more than 600 civil society organizations, listed 59 international nongovernmental organizations working in the country. The constitution of January 3, 1974 was suspended since September 18, 1988 when junta took power. In March 1988 student disturbances broke out in Rangoon in response to the worsening economic situation which evolved into a call for change in regime. Of the 53.9 million people living within Myanmar, 70 per cent live in rural areas. script.setAttribute("async", true); Humanitarian workers have for decades supported the Myanmar people, providing aid and assistance in times of need, and often when the government … Also supplied is Background Information on the organization, vision/mission, and target objective. Government ministers of Myanmar‎ (7 C, 141 P) Pages in category "Government ministries of Myanmar" The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total. } Although they are loosely termed NGOs, they are partly under the supervision and receive funding from the government. Nonprofit Organization. d.setTime(d.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 * 1000); The National League for Democracy (NLD) was the primary opposition party; National Unity Party (NUP) was the primary pro-regime party; the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) is a pro-regime social organization; and other smaller parties. The Defense Services Commander-in-Chief appoints the Minister of Defense, Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Border Affairs who will deal with ethnic matters and cross-border issues. Photo Gallery. The ruling junta changed its name to the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) in 1997, but did not change its policy of autocratic control and repression of the democratic opposition. Live Streams. Political conditions. In Myanmar the non-profits that work on behalf of others are called local NGOs to distinguish them from both the mass organizations created by the government and from the international NGOs.Local NGOs as organizations that work in a disinterested manner, not for the direct benefit of the organization's leaders and staff but to improve the lives of others. The constitution provides for the military to take over the government should the president, who must have a military background, judge the security situation to be unstable. 35 Eleven Media, “People-Centred Development Tops Government’s Agenda” (11 August 2013). Additionally, by the constitution's own terms, the SPDC continued to "exercise state sovereignty" until the parliament is convened, which was scheduled for January 31, 2011. 03-02-2021 19:56:40 ZULU, Commander-in-Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing. The “state counsellor law” was approved for debate by the upper house yesterday without objection following presentation by the bill committee, in the new government’s first legislative act since taking office on 30 March 2016. Following the elections, the NLD appealed to dozens of ethnic political parties to join an effort to forge a federal union, while the military set up a permanent Peace Talks Committee with five lieutenant-generals to negotiate with rebel armies. The Myanmar Assistance Association for Political Prisoners said in a statement Sunday that at least 400 people have been arrested in relation to … var d = new Date(); The 2008 constitution provided for popularly elected legislators to a bicameral parliament; however, it stipulates that at least 25 percent of the seats must be reserved for military members appointed by the uniformed commander in chief of Defense Services. Power is centered on the ruling junta -- the State Peace and Development Council, or SPDC--which maintains strict authoritarian rule over the people of Burma. Directory of International Non-Governmental Organizations in Myanmar Administrative control is exercised from the central government through a system of subordinate executive bodies. In 1962 General Ne Win led a coup abolishing the constitution and establishing a xenophobic military government with socialist economic priorities. ... Myanmar. Order. Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than told MPs 06 May 2016 that President Htin Kyaw wants to form a ministry for Aung San Suu Kyi, the state counsellor. Search. On 18 September 1988 the military deposed the Ne Win's Burmese Socialist Program Party (BSPP), abolished the constitution, and established a new ruling junta called the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). This is the incomplete list of official social and NGO organisations in Myanmar. Administrative subdivisions include seven primarily Burman divisions (tain) and seven ethnic states (pyi nay); Chin State, Kachin State, Karen State, Karenni State, Mon State, Arakan State, Shan State, Rangoon Division, Mandalay Division, Tenessarim Division, Irrawaddy Division, Pegu Division, Magway Division, and Sagaing Division. Displaying 1 - 10 of 70. Union Government . The following is a list of social and non-governmental organisations in Myanmar: Forest Resource Environment Development and Conservation Association, Myanmar Computer Professionals Association, Myanmar Hiking and Mountaineering Association, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs, Myanmar Printing and Publishing Association, Myanmar Traditional Artist and Artisans Organisation, Myanmar Women's Entrepreneurs Association, Myanmar Women and Children Development Foundation, Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, The Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Union Solidarity and Development Association, World Vision Asia Pacific Region - Myanmar: New HIV and AIDS project commences,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 18:23. The history of Myanmar, formerly called Burma, began with the Pagan Kingdom in 849. An estimated additional 3,000 were killed, and more than 10,000 students fled into the hills and border areas. These policies had devastating effects on the country's economy and business climate. All levels of parliament were scheduled to convene on January 31, 2011. Similarly, the USDP called for changing the article during the NLD government’s current term, but NLD lawmakers who control the majority of seats in the national parliament opposed the measure. U Min Thu. In an effort to "restore order," the SLORC sent the army into the streets to suppress the ongoing public demonstrations.  One-quarter of all national and regional parliamentary seats were reserved for military appointees. 36 talking about this. Organizations; Government of Myanmar; Government of Myanmar. Htin Kyaw was sworn in on 30 March 2016 as Myanmar’s first civilian president in more than a half-century, telling lawmakers that he will work for a democratic constitution based on a federal union in keeping with the ambition of his National League for Democracy (NLD) party. Myanmar has joined China, Syria and South Sudan as being among the countries doing least to tackle human trafficking, according to the US State … Most government workers and ministries moved to Nay Pyi Taw over the following 6 months, and rapid development of the new capital continues. Following the regime's 1993 proclamation of a seven-step roadmap to democracy and a subsequent national convention which convened intermittently, the regime in September 2007 concluded the process of "drafting" principles for the new constitution. var setNptTechAdblockerCookie = function(adblocker) { In early August 2010 the Union Election Commission [UEC] announced there would be 330 township-based constituencies of the lower house (People's Parliament), 168 constituencies of the upper house (National Parliament), and 665 constituencies of the regional/state parliaments. Yangon Region Government is the cabinet of Yangon Region. A list of 56 INGO’s operating in Myanmar along with contact telephone numbers, emails and addresses of head Myanmar offices. It was drafted from July to November 2013, based on extensive desk research and interviews with representatives of all relevant public The Myanmar Red Cross, for example, does carry out red cross related duties, but is also considered as a potential reserve force in times of conflict, while the War Veterans' Organisation is a quasi-political society. A joint session of the upper and lower houses--the Union Assembly--was to convene within 15 days of that date. A high-level Briefing on recent developments on international arena with regard to Myanmar, held at the President Office, 23 November 2019. Department Name : Research, Public Relations and International Relations Department, Amyotha Hluttaw Phone : 067-591380 Email : Address : … Burma remains an authoritarian country dominated by active or former members of the military. Title . Although the referendum was rife with irregularities, the government announced that 92.48% of voters approved the constitution, with a 98% voter turnout. Permanent mission to UN and other international organizations in Geneva, switzerland Control is maintained through the strict censuring of information, repression of individual rights, and suppression of ethnic minority groups. The military remains an institution unto itself, and the head of the armed forces retains the right to invoke extraordinary powers including the ability to suspend civil liberties and abrogate parliamentary authority. A recent survey we conducted revealed a broad need for better awareness of Myanmar’s current system of government among many of Myanmar’s peace process stakeholders. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); Myanmar - Myanmar - Myanmar since 1988: Ne Win retired as president and chairman of the Council of State in November 1981 but remained in power until July 1988, when he resigned as chairman of the BSPP amid violent protests. Any future political transition will have to be negotiated among the SPDC, the political opposition, and representatives of Burma's many ethnic minorities. Following the general election held on 8 November 2015 there Myanmar's media have seen a gradual easing of strict state controls since 2011. Despite repeated violent crackdowns by the military and police, the demonstrations increased in size as the general public joined the students. In 2008, Myanmar established a new Constitution and created a new form of government, which is divided into 3 branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. This position is retained by the military who effectively displaces the President in times of national emergency threating national unity. On paper, power is apportioned between executive, legislative, and judicial branches. French Embassy in Myanmar / Ambassade de France en Birmanie. Yangon, Myanmar, 11201. Today the SPDC continues its harsh rule and systematic human rights abuses. var script = document.createElement("script"); It was at a rally following this massacre that Aung San Suu Kyi, the daughter of General Aung San, made her first political speech and assumed the role of leader of the opposition. During mass demonstrations on August 8, 1988, military forces killed more than 1,000 demonstrators. List of organizations that are actively providing ReliefWeb with content. NLD lawmakers proposed amending the article when the USDP controlled the government from 2011-2016, but the military-backed ruling party opposed it. Myanmar’s military oversees three key security-related ministries—defense, border affairs, and home affairs, giving it jurisdiction over political prisoners. "true" : "false") + "; expires=" + d.toUTCString() + "; path=/"; Suu Kyi is also the foreign affairs and president's office minister in addition to her newly created prime ministerial role. The bill, which aready passed in the upper house, was submitted to the lower house where military deputies, who control a quarter of the seats in parliament, objected to the measure, saying it is unconstitutional. Union Government. Myanmar Government Ministries and Department List (As … But it seemed that the military was sending a message to the NLD. Philippine Embassy in Myanmar (Yangon) It also bars many persons from office who had not resided in the country for at least 10 consecutive years prior to election, had prior misconduct the regime deemed disqualifying, accepted assistance from a foreign government, or were entitled to citizenship of a foreign nation. The nation is headed by a civilian president and two vice presidents. Government of Myanmar Resources. Cabinet Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein was detained and Myanmar Military declared Hla Soe as Chairman of Yangon Region State Administrative Council. Viral hepatitis: WHO Myanmar newsletter special for World Hepatitis Day 28 July 2020 in Myanmar language Although they are loosely termed NGOs, they are partly under the supervision and receive funding from the government. Of note, Article 59 prohibits anyone with foreign nationality or relatives from running for President. Video. script.setAttribute("onerror", "setNptTechAdblockerCookie(true);"); The council enacted some laws concerning state flag, state seal and national anthem in accordance with the new state constitution. Central Statistical Organization: 7: Central Equipment Statistics and Inspection Department 8 Project Appraisal and Progress Reporting Department 9 Myanmar Economic Bank 10: Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank 11: Myanmar Investment and Commercial Bank 12: Myanmar Agricultural Development Bank 13 Myanmar Insurance: 14 A section of each INGO page details Main Program/Activities within Myanmar. Ministry of Home … Legislative branch is a unicameral People's Assembly (Pyithu Hluttaw) with 485 seats; members are elected by popular vote to serve 4-year terms. While the referendum law provided for a secret ballot, free debate was not permitted and activities considered "interfering with the referendum" carried a 3-year prison sentence. The new, nominally civilian government took office on April 1, 2011, and the SPDC was dissolved. The highly secretive Ministry for the State Counsellor was approved by parliament 11 May 2016 with no objections, despite lingering questions about the constitutional legitimacy of the new bureau. Local organization is treated as a local legal entity and must have at least 5 members when formed. Overview Migration within Myanmar and across its long borders, which cover Thailand, Laos, China, India and Bangladesh, is subject to a range of drivers which are complex and are critical in affecting how and why people decide to move. ... Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) New Zealand Myanmar Chamber of Commerce. In October 2007, the SPDC appointed 54 pro-regime persons to sit on a constitution drafting committee. Ministry of Office of the Union Government. U Tin Myint. Military deputies in Myanmar’s parliament said 04 April 2016 that they wanted more time to discuss a bill that will make Aung San Suu Kyi a state counselor, fearing that the position will give her power equal to that of the president and upset the balance of power among the three branches of government. In addition the upper and lower houses each were to select a vice president, the military members of both the upper and lower houses would select a third vice president, and the entire bicameral parliament would select the president from among the three vice presidents. But media freedom has not been a priority for the democratically elected government … “There is no provision in the constitution for the appointment of a Prime Minister, but there is nothing in the constitution either which prevents this,” Derek Tonkin, a former UK ambassador, wrote in a commentary in March 2016, amid speculation over how Daw Aung San Suu Kyi would formally assume power, together with a proxy president. Head of Government: After Independence (1948-today) ... (or Myanmar as it is called by the ruling junta) consists of 14 states and divisions. Get Directions +95 9 269 810 965. The architect of this move, a lawyer by the name of Ko Ni and a vocal critic of the military, was shot dead in the street in front of the Yangon airport soon after. Myanmar, also known as Burma, has many organisations and societies set up by the government. Myanmar, also known as Burma, has many organisations and societies set up by the government. document.cookie = "__adblocker=" + (adblocker ? မြန်မာနိုင်ငံလူမှုကယ်ဆယ်ရေးအဖွဲ့(ဧရာဝတီတိုင်းဒေသကြီး)၏ တရားဝင်Pageဖြစ်ပါသည်။ The country held its first elections in 20 years on November 7, 2010. The legal system was based on the British-era system, but now the junta rules by Decree and there is no guarantee of a fair public trial; the judiciary is not independent. General profile that encompasses all Myanmar governmental entities. “The accusation that international humanitarian organizations are supporting armed actors in Rakhine State is both reckless and irresponsible. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi would also have the responsibility of reporting to parliament, as related to her functions, and given a budget. Delegates to the convention were not allowed to debate freely, discuss, or attempt to amend the principles. However, the SLORC refused to call the Parliament into session and imprisoned many political activists. A national convention started on January 9, 1993 to draft a new constitution, but progress was long stalled. script.setAttribute("src", "//"); 5 February 2021 Reference Rate (CBM) - 1 USD = 1411.0 Kyats Counter Rate (CBM) - 1 USD = 1440 Kyats Market Rate (CBM) - 1 USD = 1405.8 Kyats Gold Price ( 24 Carat) 1 tikal Organizations. The last elections were in 1990, but the Assembly was never convened. document.cookie = "__adblocker=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/"; The Executive consisted of a Prime Minister and Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC). On 21 October 2008 Myanmar started to use new state flag prescribed in the new state constitution. in reform process for national development", (12 May 2012). 5. Established in 1953 and since then, more social welfare activities are being expanded and undertaken by the governmental sector, in close collaboration with the non-governmental organization. The SLORC ruled by martial law until national parliamentary elections were held on May 27, 1990. The 2008 constitution also granted the military immunity from prosecution and freedom from public accountability and legitimizes military subjugation of ethnic nationality communities. The state flag, state seal and national anthem had been prescribed in the new state constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar approved through a national referendum in May 2008. Local Myanmar non-profit civil society with Myanmar citizen only as members (i.e. Unlike in many countries where the head of the executive is normally the commander in chief of the armed forces in line with the principle of civilian control of the military, the President in Myanmar is not the Commander in Chief of the army. Per Burma's 2008 constitution, military appointees fill one-quarter of all parliamentary seats. #ga-ad {display: none;} The party would not give up its attempts to amend the constitution. 36 World Bank, “Myanmar Overview” (accessed 15 July 2014). The bill says the role of “state counsellor” will be to provide advice for the state in the citizens’ interests in a manner that does not contravene the constitution. Foreign diplomatic missions are still located in Rangoon and as of 2011 no country had announced plans to move its embassy to Nay Pyi Taw. statute law. In November 2005, the ruling regime unexpectedly relocated the capital city from Rangoon to Nay Pyi Taw, located in central Burma approximately 200 miles north of Rangoon, further isolating the government from the public and international community. The parties want the NLD to amend Article 261, which grants Myanmar’s president, rather than local legislators, the authority to nominate chief ministers in the country’s 14 states and regions. no foreign nationals are allowed as members) are termed as Local Organization. @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { The government of Myanmar, as defined by the Constitution of 2008, functions as a parliamentary republic. }, Page last modified: Myanmar Directory - Government Related. HIV-AIDS: WHO Myanmar World AIDS Day special factsheet (1 December 2020) in Myanmar language. In this type of government, the heads of the Cabinet are responsible for carrying out the laws set forth by Parliament. Ethnic minority political parties, some of which fared well in their states but did not win many national seats in the 2020 election, said they want the NLD and the largest opposition force, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), to amend the constitution to give their states the right to appoint their own chief ministers. Although each kingdom has constantly been at war with their neighbors, it was the largest South East Asian Empire during the 16th century under the Sadest Dynasty. Section 202 of the Constitution says that the president, with parliamentary support, can restructure, axe and create ministries. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi created a State Counsellor position tantamount to that of prime minister for herself. and New Light of Myanmar, "Priority task of government is to satisfy desire, fulfill requirements of people" (13 May 2012). Government Organization. Lawmakers from the majority winning party in each state should name their own chief ministers as a first step towards the formation of a federal union, say the parties. The OECD Open Government Report of Myanmar was prepared by the OECD in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

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