draft resolution on rohingya crisis

The draft calls on the Government to review the 1982 Citizenship Law, which led to the denial of rights to minorities. Calling for addressing the multifaceted challenges in a comprehensive manner, he welcomed Myanmar’s collaboration with Bangladesh and underlined the importance of ensuring accountability through the Independent Commission of Enquiry, as well as by strengthening cooperation with ASEAN, which plans to establish an ad hoc support team. In this regard, she welcomed the work of the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism and looked forward to the public account of its findings. The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea said country-specific resolutions are politicized and his delegation will vote against the text. Copyright © 2021. Pointing to persecution on political, gender and other grounds, as well as enforced disappearances, she urged the country to honour its universal periodic review commitments and to cooperate with the Special Rapporteur. The representative of Belarus opposed country-specific topics at the United Nations, which do not benefit anyone and only create artificial barriers to dialogue. The representative of Zimbabwe said her country does not condone human rights violations. However, that position should not be seen as a position on the substance of the draft resolution. Japan voted in favour because it expects to see further developments regarding the human rights situation. It grossly distorts the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and is not worth discussion. Syria rejects the resolution and actions by the Committee “as a matter of principle”, expressing regret over the use of double standards and politicization of human rights situations in specific countries, which have now become “policies perpetrated by the mechanisms of the Organization”. The representative of Venezuela, speaking in explanation of vote, reaffirmed his country’s position on country-specific resolutions, which do not advance confidence building among the parties concerned. However, of particular concern is the continued application of capital punishment for a variety of offences, including for crimes committed by legal minors. Cambodia was among just 10 countries to vote against a “contentious” United Nations draft resolution on the persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar on Thursday. Only international cooperation based on objectivity, impartiality and non-selectivity is the appropriate way to protect the human rights of all people. The representative of Venezuela reaffirmed its position regarding resolutions relating to specific countries, rejecting the practice of selective treatment borne from politically motivated aims that contravene the Charter of the United Nations. The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.29” by a recorded vote of 140 in favour to 9 against (Belarus, Cambodia, China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Philippines, Russian Federation, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe), with 32 abstentions. The Committee then took up the draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic” (document A/C.3/74/L.30/Rev.1). He condemned the “gross violation of the programme of work” and urged all States to vote against the draft resolution. Saudi Arabia, along with 50 others, co-sponsored the draft resolution because they “feel the protracted suffering” of the Syrian people, and hope that the draft will help them achieve hope, justice, peace and stability. Rohingya Crisis Cox Gazette | Online Desk January 3, 2021, 04:06 PM China and Russia have once again stood beside Myanmar while India and Japan refrained from standing against them as a draft resolution on the situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar was adopted 130-9 by the UN General Assembly. The six-page text does not threaten sanctions, but lays out a series of concrete demands. The universal periodic review is the appropriate mechanism for addressing such issues, as it is based on such principles as non-selectivity. The representative of the Philippines said the universal periodic review is the appropriate mechanism to assess the human rights situations of States. However, she expressed regret that this year’s drafting was “handled inadequately and in a manner far from impartiality”. Furthermore, as the draft resolution’s “arm twister”, the United States has subjected the people of Iran to economic terrorism, he said. The representative of Japan expressed grave concern over the human rights situation in Syria, emphasizing that all parties must respect international law and noting that Japan voted in favour of the draft resolution. The representative of Viet Nam expressed regret that the draft does not fully reflect her country’s views and took issue with an unconstructive approach that only exacerbates the challenges Myanmar is trying to overcome in its democratic transition. UN Security Council is weighing a draft resolution that would pressure Myanmar to address violence that has driven Rohingya Muslims to flee. He rejected country-specific approaches to human rights and called for a non-politicized, constructive approach. It is regrettable that this draft has been adopted, despite its politically motivated nature. For information media. She called for dialogue and respectful cooperation, rather than the current practice of dividing countries into “good and bad pupils”. The universal periodic review is the appropriate mechanism for such issues, she said, as it fosters a constructive and action-oriented intergovernmental relationship, involves the countries in question and addresses their capacity-building needs. The representative of Brazil pointed to progress made by Iran and its willingness to move towards becoming a more just, tolerant society. "For a very long time now, this issue has not been simply a domestic affair.". She deplored these omissions, as they were part of draft resolutions approved on previous occasions. The UN Security Council is weighing a draft resolution that would pressure Myanmar to address the violence that has driven hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims to flee, according to the text obtained by AFP on Wednesday. The representative of Venezuela said she will vote against the draft resolution, objecting to the use of selective country-specific resolutions, which violate the United Nations Charter. The draft resolution calls on Myanmar’s government to address the root causes of the crisis by respecting human rights, “without discrimination and regardless of … The Committee then approved draft resolution “L.28” by a recorded vote of 67 in favour to 23 against, with 82 abstentions. The universal periodic review mechanism, which enables cooperation and dialogue, should be used instead of such harmful, non-transparent practices. The draft represents a “glimmer of hope”, and takes a step towards a political solution, which will ensure the safe, voluntary and dignified return of refugees. The latter group faces punishment simply for being who they are, he said. Japan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should overcome mutual mistrust and bring peace to the region, she asserted. Noting that the eight-year conflict has led to the deaths of half a million people, with 5.6 million refugees forced to flee Syria, she described crimes perpetrated by the Assad regime, including unlawful killings that “rise to the level of war crimes”. Recalling article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, she emphasized that international organizations must have access to Crimea. Producing more controversial reports only jeopardizes the responsibility of the United Nations to maintain international peace and security, he said, urging that all human rights issues be discussed exclusively in Geneva and noting that his delegation will vote against the draft. He is not surprised or discouraged by them, but rather he learned a lesson that some Member States use the power of “bloc voting” to exert pressures on others for their own political agenda. The representative of Cuba disassociated from consensus on the draft, as his country is against selective resolutions with mandates that are politically motivated. Expressing concern about the humanitarian conditions in north-west and north-east Syria, he called on all parties to respect international humanitarian law. Syria will vote against the draft resolution, he said, urging all delegations to do the same. The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, referring to past crimes against humanity committed by Japan, called for compensation for the victims. And it urges Myanmar to implement the recommendations of a commission led by former UN chief Kofi Annan that said the Rohingya should be granted citizenship rights. The representative of Finland, speaking on behalf of the European Union, introduced the draft, recalling that there is no proof that the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has improved. He advocated a non‑confrontational approach, welcoming steps by Myanmar to work with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Secretary‑General. The representative of the Russian Federation said it is counterproductive to adopt country-specific resolutions, as they have nothing to do with human rights. Firstpost - All Rights Reserved. 31 October 2017 A/C.3/72/L.48: This was the resolution on the situation of human rights in Myanmar adopted by the Third Committee. The draft resolution is based on credible information from reports of the Secretary‑General, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran and other reliable sources. The representative of Mexico, in explanation of vote, said he voted in favour of the draft resolution, stressing that reports of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry must be reflected so the text is balanced and not politicized. “The international community will not remain silent about the countless crimes perpetrated in Syria, among them war crimes and crimes against humanity,” she said, calling on all delegations to vote in favour of the text. He urged all parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian and human rights law, and to stop weapons transfers to Syria. Both China and Russia “boycotted talks” on a British draft resolution in 2018. The representative of Finland, in a general statement on behalf of the European Union, expressed regret over the escalation of violence in Idlib and Aleppo. And it urges Myanmar to implement the recommendations of a commission led by former UN chief Kofi Annan that said the Rohingya should be granted citizenship rights. "They want us to say nothing and do nothing on this issue.". It will certainly not help solve the issue of Rakhine State. The representative of Venezuela, in a general statement, rejected the practice of selectivity for politically motivated purposes, stressing that cooperation and dialogue are appropriate means for resolving issues. The draft will only cause further polarization and escalate tensions among religious communities. This was the resolution on the situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar. The representative of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic said the universal periodic review is the only appropriate mechanism for addressing human rights on an equal footing. The representative of Saudi Arabia, introducing the draft, cited difficulties because some countries refuse the very principle of coexistence. She commended Bangladesh for hosting such a high number of refugees. And yet, since 2014, the United States and European countries have implemented targeted sanctions intended to work against the peninsula’s population. Round-up of the Security Council's activities, Main part of the 75th session of the General Assembly, High-Level Meetings of the 75th General Assembly. On 8 November, Iran presented its national report to the third cycle of the universal periodic review in Geneva, where many countries welcomed its outstanding human rights achievements. The representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea rejected the draft resolution, as it has nothing to do with the protection and promotion of human rights; it is only politicization. By its terms, the Assembly would express grave concern at continuing reports of serious human rights violations — as well as violations of international humanitarian law — in Myanmar, against Rohingya Muslims and other minorities, including those involving arbitrary arrests, deaths in detention, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. But diplomats said the draft resolution, which would be the first formal response from the top UN body, faces strong opposition from China and they expect tough negotiations ahead to reach agreement. The Committee next turned to the draft resolution titled “Situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar” (document A/C.3/74/L.29). The population of Crimea has exercised its right to self-determination in a democratic vote. The Chair noted that the draft contains no programme budget implications. European Parliament resolution of 14 December 2017 on the situation of the Rohingya people (2017/2973(RSP))The European Parliament, – having regard to its previous resolutions on Myanmar and on the situation of Rohingya Muslims, in particular those of 14 September 2017 (1), 7 July 2016 (2) and 15 December 2016 (3), and of 13 June 2017 on statelessness in South and South East Asia (4), Myanmar authorities say the military operation is aimed at rooting out Rohingya militants who staged attacks on police posts two months ago. They foster double standards, have nothing to do with the protection of human rights, cause confrontation and hinder constructive dialogue and cooperation. He called for a recorded vote on the draft, and upon Member States to vote against it or to abstain from voting. Recalling the principles of objectivity, non-selectivity and non-politicization, he said the universal periodic review represents a more efficient instrument for tackling human rights issues. She expressed regret that the draft fails to take note that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court decided to open a case on the enforced deportation of the Rohingya people. United Nations: The UN Security Council is weighing a draft resolution that would pressure Myanmar to address the violence that has driven hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims to flee, according to the text obtained by AFP on Wednesday. Condemning the systematic and widespread violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, indiscriminate attacks against civilians and civilian objects, and the repeated use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime and ISIL/Da’esh, he said all those responsible must be brought to justice.

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